A mist of news, rumour and myth swirls around Banksy and at times he doesn’t actually need to do anything to cause it.
Back in 2014 Banksy executed one of his best pieces, a trio of spies eavesdropping on the conversations of people using a phone box in Cheltenham (written about here). Cheltenham is home of GCHQ or to give it its full official title and description, the UK Government Communications Headquarters which is “the centre for Her Majesty’s Government’s Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) activities”.

Banksy Spies – photo Martin Bull
The subject, the placement and the execution were absolutely top notch as can be seen in the photograph above by Martin Bull (author of the highly recommended Banksy Locations and Tours Vols 1 and 2, among other books).
News broke yesterday that someone had removed the wall on which the Banksy spies had been painted, photographs show a rectangular cut out from the wall where one of the spooks had been and a pile of rubble on the ground. There is a lot of uncertainty about what actually has happened to the Banksy and you perhaps should just read the BBC article here.
photo: from BBC report (link above)
A perhaps less noticed twist was that the Banksy incorporated the BT phone box into the piece, so anyone seeking to remove the piece and there are such people, see Mr Robin “Bankrobber” Barton mentioned in the BBC link, would need to strike a deal with both the owner of the property and BT. Of course a phone box could be simply purchased though it would be unlikely to be the original phone box, so the piece would be not completely original.
Another little morsel of intrigue and curiosity is that it turns out the seemingly undistinguished end of terrace Victorian property on which the Spies piece was painted was a Grade II listed building. Technically the owners would have been obliged and could have been compelled to remove the Banksy to restore the property to its previous condition. However as can be seen in this BBC report a retrospective planning permission was given to incorporate the Banksy into the building’s listed status so that it could remain where it was. That actually means that the owner of the building would have to preserve the Banksy, making the whole episode just a bit more murky.
This is the second time (to my knowledge) that a Banksy work has been protected in a planning application, I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry.