On the Shoreditch Street Art tour this afternoon our especially observant guest Ingrid spied a new Ben Wilson gum pic which I wasn’t aware off. Ben paints a lot of diverse subjects, many of which are drawn from the immediate vicinity of the piece of gum but none can be quite as close to home as this self portrait.

Ben Wilson Self Portrait
It is a wonderful likeness, as you can see from this photo of Ben which I took last Summer he delighted guests on a previous Shoreditch Street Art Tour.

Ben Wilson meets The Shoreditch Street Art Tour
This wasn’t the first time a tour guest found a gum pic I didn’t know about, in fact after I had described Ben’s work to top London “things to do” picker from About London Laura Porter on an early tour Laura suddenly found one, the first I had ever seen and it took a guest on the tour to find it!

Ben Wilson, 2013
Recently we spotted another recent gum pic painted a couple of weeks ago, I wonder if T.S are the initials of the gentleman immortalised in gum having an outdoor ciggie break.

Ben Wilson “I’ll Quit Tomorrow”
Another unusual thing about Ben, apart from painting found chewing gum on the streets, he has no web presence of his own, no social media so, sorry, no artist link here!