Tag Archives: Arte Es Basura

London,Shoreditch,street,art,tour,walk,Lovepiepenbrink,Dee One,Art Is Trash, Arte Es Basura

Guests Sightings – New Street Art Spotted On Shoreditch Walks

One of the bonus delights of a Shoreditch Street Art Tour occurs when a guest points out a new piece of street art.  Two artists who provided several new visual delights over the past few days have been Lovepiepenbrink and Dee One.

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On Friday both SC and MM spotted fresh piggies by Lovepiepenbrink, though one of them was fresh just to me as Lovepiepenbrink’s photo stream suggests the Ronald McDonald “Horse is the new beef” piggy has up on the wall since at least February 2013.  Then on Monday the extraordinarily sharp eyes of Chloe and Dean accounted for three piggys by Lovepiepenbrink, 3 acorns by Dee One, a vintage Isaac Cordal (I believe) concrete figure and a Kinsha portrait, all of which I hadn’t seen before.

London,Shoreditch,street,art,tour,walk,Lovepiepenbrink,Dee One,Art Is Trash, Arte Es Basura


London,Shoreditch,street,art,tour,walk,Lovepiepenbrink,Dee One,Art Is Trash, Arte Es Basura

Isaac Cordal

Today’s tour also stumbled upon two new Art Is Trash street installations.

London,Shoreditch,street,art,tour,walk,Lovepiepenbrink,Dee One,Art Is Trash, Arte Es Basura

Art Is Trash

London,Shoreditch,street,art,tour,walk,Lovepiepenbrink,Dee One,Art Is Trash, Arte Es Basura

Art Is Trash

I mustn’t forget that a couple of months ago the  first time I saw one of Ben Wilson’s chewing gum street art was when guest Laura found one at her feet.  What a joy to have such observant people on Shoreditch Street Art Tours walks.