Shoreditch Design Festival doesn’t stop for any pandemic! Some establishments welcome visitors under the now customary public place precautions; some like Lee Broom have modified their contribution in the form of window displays and, for those of you have patiently read this far and are demanding “give us the street art”, a Cabinet of Curiosities” on Redchurch St is your thing.

Lee Broom – Maestro
A Cabinet of Curiosities is traditionally a display of the weird and wonderful objects collected by freaks and geeks. Think implausible mummified cross-bred creatures In glass bell jars, pickled vegetables that look like politicians, ridiculously large street art photograph collections.

Redchurch St Cabinet of Curiosities
Amongst the designer boutiques and niche fashion shops on Redchurch Street a couple of virtual Cabinets of Curiosities have been set up as window displays which deliver content through the OnRedchurch St website. It’s a neat idea which highlights some of the amazing design and creativity going on behind those walls whose defacement and daubing is more usually the subject of my scrutiny.

Redchurch St Cabinet of Curiosities
Drawn in by a bearded man-fish on the Cabinet of Curiosities, a QR code takes you to Donna Wilson via the OnRedchurch virtual Cabinet of Curiosities, next thing is you’re peeking inside the design madness of an actual real world Redchurch St shop you’d never normally meander into. See what they did there!

Donna Wilson Cabinet Image

Donna Wilson Virtual Cabinet
So now we get to the street art bit. It was a privilege to be contacted by OnRedchurch to provide the Shoreditch Design Festival Cabinet of Curiosities with a history of street art on Redchurch St and take my word, there has been a heck of a lot. Or don’t take my word, all you have to do is scout out Redchurch St, find the right (and pretty obvious) part of the Cabinet of Curiosities and then check out the feature on your phone.

Donna Wilson interior
If you have been a past guest of Shoreditch Street Art Tours it’s probably a 50-50 chance that you are familiar with Redchurch St; if not, this little videographic meander along the length of Redchurch St will pick out some of the locations engaged in the Shoreditch Design Festival, look for the pavement stands marking the participants.
Shoreditch Design Triangle runs concurrently with the London Design Festival, 12 – 20 September, there is more than a small chance that the Cabinet of Curiosities will remain in place until someone next needs to clean those windows!
Links for Cabinet of Curiosities:
Shoreditch Design Triangle website
London Design Festival website
OnRedchurch St website.
Lee Broom website
Donna Wilson website
Links for artists in Video:
Camille Walala website
Tizer instagram
Shucks instagram
Jonesy instagram
Ekta Kaul website
All photos and video: Dave Stuart, Shoreditch Street Art Tours