The challenge – list 10 Shoreditch Street artists! We all hate lists though this one is a little more interesting than most. in the US asked us to write a feature on the top 10 Shoreditch Street Artists.
This was quite tricky, there are hundreds of artists for whom Shoreditch is home turf, whose street art naturally gets its premier viewing on a grubby wall in this part of London. After tortuous deliberation and raging internal debate, we struck a compromise, the list would extend to 25 active Shoreditch Street Artists you ought to know. Check it out now on
We are pleased that every single one of these artists currently features on the Shoreditch Street Art Tour at the moment. It was also a secret pleasure digging out the photos for the artists, some of which are 6 or 7years old so look out for the thumbnails below each artists main picture, there are some gems in there, happy viewing.