Tag Archives: Mexico

From Shoreditch To Mexico

Over the years walls in Shoreditch have been made to look a little more arty thanks to Mexican street artists.   Some visit, some like Pablo Delgado were long term residents.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Pablo Delgado

Pablo Delgado, 2011

Pablo’s trademark street art were tiny figures pasted at the bottom of walls with accompanying shadows painted onto the pavement, you really had to keep your eyes peeled to spot these.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Pablo Delgado

Pablo Delgado, 2013

His characters looked like they lurked secretively in a Borrowers sized world on the fringes of our civilisation of giants.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Pablo Delgado

Pablo Delgado, 2011

Pablo followed many themes in his characters including pimps and prossies and often arrangements were quite surreal.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Pablo Delgado

Pablo Delgado, 2013

Another Mexican artist who visited these walls in October 2015 and who’s enduring work still delights the tour is Mazatl.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Mazatl


Mazatl was accompanied by three other artists from Mexico, Said Dokings, Acuro and Fusca who we see in this piece painting in collaboration with Mazatl.

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, mazatl, Fusca, Collaboration

Fusca/Mazatl collaboration

London, Shoreditch, Mexico, street art, tour, Notimex, Said Dokins

Said Dokins

The flow has been reversed in a curious way by journalist Marcela Gutiérrez Bobadilla who experienced the Shoreditch Street Art Tour a couple of weeks ago. Marcela has written a lovely  article in the Mexican publication Notamex, which can be found here: http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2016/992898.html.


Marcela also created this very interesting short video clip:


Our public tours are conducted in English but if you would like a street art tour in Spanish, drop us a line as we can help you with a private tour (email info@shoreditchstreetarttours.co.uk)

All photos: Dave Stuart

Mexican Street Artists In Shoreditch

A clutch of Mexican artists have just passed through London and created some beautiful art on Shoreditch’s walls.

Mazatl has placed some classic wood cut and linocut prints on the streets, classic in the sense that this is very much from the template provided by Swoon and Elbow Toe in the late 2000s.

Maxatl - El Hogar

Maxatl – El Hogar

London, Shoreditch, Street Art, paste ups, Linocut, Maxatl, Said Dokins, Acuro, Fusca, Mexico,

Mazatl – Shoreditch

Mazatl had a busy evening or two out with British screen print paste up artist Donk and Columbian artist Stinkfish, placing their work in many locations together, probably none more spectacular than this:

Donk, Stinkfish, Maxatl

Donk, Stinkfish, Maxatl

Said Dokins is an artist who like Mazatl features campaigns for social justice at the heart of his art. Alive refers to a situation in Mexico regarding the “disappearance” of a group of students, wanted back alive. The calligraphy is stunning.

Said Dokins - Alive

Said Dokins – Alive

Maxatl and Said Dokins were in town to participate with Mexican compatriots Acuro and Fusca in a four person group show at Hoxton gallery. The show opened last week and after this moring’s tour I was able to pop in to catch this excellent show for the first time. The woodcut and lino cut prints by maxatl are stunning and the fact that he issues work through justseeds.org in the States tells me his work places social conscience in the foreground. Here is a selection of photographs of art in the show:

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There is also a set of three night photographs of Said Dokins doing some light painting, we have seen light graffiti before but I have never seen light calligraphy like this, it’s well worth popping by Hoxton Gallery at its new location for that.

Said Dokins

Said Dokins


Show details:



Said Dokins, Maxatl, Acaro, Fusca

Hoxton gallery

59 Old Street (same block as “Look Mum No Hands”, the City Road end of Old St)

Ends: TBC