Issue 28 of the cool Street Art zine Very Nearly Almost comes out this week. Cover artist for Edition 28 is world reknown tattoo artist, graffiti writer, skater, Rebel8 Tee Shirt designer and all round cool dude Mike Giant. The limited edition version of this issue has just been previewed and looks tat-tastic. It’s not just a screen printed cover, it’s a “MIKE GIANT LTD EDITION SCREENPRINTED BOX SET” ..wooooooooo.
Mike Giant Limited Edition Box
A refreshingly candid interview with Nick Walker doesn’t gloss over his wobble and fall from stardom’s elevator after the spectacular success of some of his work in Bonhams’ notorious 2008 auction (covered here on Graffoto).
Nick Walker, Shoreditch, 2007, photo NoLionsInEngland
VNA have managed to pull together every single member of Da Mental Vapors crew from France for a group interview. This must have been a high risk gambit, those in the know may recall what happened a few years ago when London’s then top street art crew gathered in a room at VNA’s invitation! Say no more.
The launch celebration couldn’t be held at a better place, we are looking forward to popping in to the Nelly Duff gallery on Columbia Road in Shoreditch. Nelly Duff is one of the most important galleries in the street art scene and one of our favourite London hang outs. Nelly Duff’s roster of artist includes primary and secondary market works from so many of our favourites including Aida,Banksy, Cept, Cyclops, D*Face, Dave The Chimp, Dr D, Elbow Toe, Gaia, Highraff, Jo Peel, Jorge Gerada,Mighty Mo, Miss Van, Pure Evil, Sweet Toof, Nick Walker….etc etc many of whom grace the walls of the Shoreditch Street Art Tours. Host Mr Cassius Duff has an extraordinary eye for enduring quality so if you need a gallery that has its finger on the pulse and does not make mistakes, you’ll find some great art in Nelly Duff’s gallery
In 2012 Nelly Duff hosted the grittiest and most compelling one night street art event for the past many years in a derelict car park under a council block, well worth checking out the photos and write up of Banger Art on Graffoto. That sensational evening was the first time we came across the intricate, vintage looking illustrations of Dan Hillier, another artist with a great interview in VNA Issue 28.

Dan Hillier at Banger Art, 2012; photo NoLionsInEngland
The augmented reality Gif-iti work of INSA has been lighting up the Shoreditch Street Art Tour for the past month and it is great to see INSA discussing his past in the “Diggin In The Crates” feature where artists dig out their old photographs from the attic. (In the Dan Hillier photo above, clock Will Barras, gripping subject of Issue 27’s “Diggin In The Crates” feature)
INSA: The Cycle Of Futility, Shoredoitch, 2014; photo NoLionsInEngland
So, there is a great magazine packed full of great interviews, the chance of a very cool limited edition cover version, some superb art on display in a cool gallery and did we mention beer sponsored by Sixpoint Brewery?
VNA28 featuring #MikeGiant / @giantrebel8 / @rebel8, pictures from #Birdman /@birdmanphotos AND #JamesSharrock @jamessharrock_photo, contributions from #NoWay / @omfgnoway, Damo / @damovna, t-world’s Eddie ‘Goddammit’ Zammit / @eddiezammit, new #GIFFITI from #INSA @insa_gram, artwork from #SMUG @smugone, #Nunca /@nunca_art, #DanHillier / @mrdanhillier, #NickWalker @apishangel, #AlexanderMitchell & Backwoods / @a_h_mitchell @backwoods_gallery, #ChadMuska / @themuska, Berlin’s #1UPcrew /@1up_crew_official, DMV (Da Mental Vapors) / @sowat_dmv @bomk_dmv @jaw_dmv @bruskdmv #INTI @inti_cl and images from the streets by Nadine Emans / @nemans, #ClaudeCrommelin, @hookedblog, #NoLionsInEngland 1XRUN’s Mike Popso and more!!!
All photos courtesy Very Nearly Almost mag except NoLionsInEngland where noted