Shoreditch walls sure got a lot of attention in November, we have a lot to choose from in selecting some of the highlights.
At the beginning of the month a long standing discrepancy was addressed, the significance of paste-ups was recognised by the first (assuming there may be more) London International Street Art Festival. At six Shoreditch locations paper art submitted by artists from all over the world was pasted for a weekend jamboree of pasteup art. Here are just a few photos that capture the tone of the event, to check out a full write up including a lot more detail photos and to see the result of my effort to reproduce a Dr Cream street art animation, click HERE.
![Street artist Wrdsmth describes street art to the London International Paste-up tour in Shoreditch](
Wrdsmth on London International Paste-up tour
![The London International Paste-up tour in Shoreditch with the special tour by Shoreditch Street art tour guide Dave](
London International Paste-up Festival site and tour group
![a London International Paste-up Festival site in Shoreditch](
London International Paste-up Festival
![a London International Paste-up Festival site in Shoreditch](
London International Paste-up Festival
As street art proclaimed itself in its formative years to be anti advertising and as D*Face is a hugely significant figure in street art we are actually going to step outside the parish for a brilliant D*Face billboard subversion south of the river.
![advert defaced by street artist D*Face](
D*Face vs a building society advert
For fairly obvious reasons night time street art photography in the Summer doesn’t really happen but November saw a lovely few nights of clear weather and great art to photograph. Fanakapan’s balloon was looking quite ghostly and translucent in the night illumination.
![stunning chrome balloon painting by Fanakapan photographed with light painting by photographer and street art tour guide Dave Stuart](
Fanakapan at night
We also photographed the latest Mr Cenz portrait on Fashion Street, a spot Mr Cenz has held down for years.
![beautiful futurist female portrait painted by street artist Mr Cenz, photographed with light painting by photographer and street art tour guide Dave Stuart](
Mr Cenz at night
Both those artworks are actually from earlier in the year but if you would like to take photographs like these of street art at night, come and join one of our Night Street Art Photography tours, for more details click HERE.
Enigma was prolific and on awesome form in November, this playful reversal of the shadow hands phenomenon is delightful.
![Street Art mural in Shoreditch by Japanese street artist Enigma shows rabbit in spotlight making shadow hands](
That photo can only be followed by another version of a shadow hand, this time by Perspicere whose new string produces real eye catchers.
![string art by street artist Perspicere just off Brick Lane in Shoreditch](
In November we finally discovered that those single line smiley faces and the “I Farted In Yoga” characters were by Why Reuben and yes, she is carrying a yoga mat in the photo.
![simple single line street art character saying "I farted in Yoga" WITH A WOMAN CARRYING A YOGA MAT](
I farted in yoga
My favourite piece of graffiti this month is probably this piece by Wiet who pulls off the combination of turquoise, green and purple like it was always meant to happen. I hope you can pick out the letters!
![beautiful graffiti in London by Wiet](
To close this month’s look back we have Combo CK from France who put up a pair of stunning large scale paste ups images without permission, this Berber Horse is a nice continuation with the fascination with Moroccan colours that we have been seeing in Combo’s street art over the past few months.
![Massive paste-up street art in Shoreditch by street artist Combo CK from France](
Combo CK
I hope you all enjoy a good December and have a wonderful Christmas, see you on the other side.