The party fun tonight certainly makes up in quality what it lacks in quantity. The only event on the Shoreditch Street Art Tours calendar tonight is Cranio’s special one off one night only show at Fun Factory.
Cranio, beloved Brazil street artist has been hectically busy in London over the past few weeks with multiple new pieces up on Shoreditch Walls not to mention elsewhere. He has also been working hard on fresh studio paintings and tonight will be the only time a cluster of large and very special hand finished prints will be seen all together by the public.
Maybe HIN will be around to speculate on why the flipped finger, the bomb belt and the genitalia on the Cranio/HIN collab mural on Grimsby St weren’t buffed but his paste up heads were! (we think we can guess the answer)
Fun Factory 6pm till 9 ish, no RSVP required