October ushered in a tipping point in our weather and our clothing choices changed through the gears through the month. Autumnal colours compete with fresh new artwork on the walls and one exciting development in October was the return of visiting artists from overseas.
Enigma is a Japanese artist who was based in London for a while pre pandemic, went back to Japan and has now returned to London on a permanent basis. I count seven murals painted since his return in August, five of which he painted this past month.

It was fascinating to see Italian artist Alex respond within the week to Enigma’s maudlin male with one of his own, did you spot the tear from the right eye in each?

Alessandro Ioviera
It was brilliant to see graffiti legend Nylon splashing some colour on Shoreditch walls, these 3 faced pots just blew my mind.

Primative cubist objects by Nylon
Nylon was accompanied by his friend ACE, as evidenced by this screenprint which has what I believe to be a tribal primitive embellishment by Nylon. See also the featured image at the top which includes earlier tags from graff kings Drax and Flash.

Ace and Nylon
A long awaited trend we spotted this month was the return, at long last, of visiting international street artists because they truly sprinkle a dash of talent and genius on the Shoreditch streets. Stinkfish is from Columbia and has been visiting Shoreditch leaving spraypainted and pasteup art in his wake.

Stinkfish Mural

Stinkfish pasteup
Combo CK was a new name to us and his non permissioned pasteups made a great impact for their size and beauty, his homage to “Girl With Pearl Earring” was a standout.

Combo CK
Dan Kitchener yielded one long held Shoreditch spot to Stinkfish but cranked up the impressionism another notch with a new “through the rainy window” style mural at another spot.

Dan Kitchener
We had the pleasure of coming across the versatile Woskerski writing a graffiti piece, he found time to paint a couple of lovely pieces of art including this hound fully prepared for the change in weather.

Wrdsmth has been visiting London since 2014 to place his wry and uplifting typewritten messages on the streets of London. He recently gave in to the irresistible charms of London and relocated en famille here and has been taking Shoreditch spots by storm. Here he has added his clever wordplay alongside a DONK from a few months back

Donk and Wrdsmth
Wrdsmth and Donk have both part of the posse preparing the London International Pasteup Festival, several locations were prepared in October so while technically they are within the scope of this post I am saving the best of the bunch until the November highlights as the Festival takes place next weekend 4th – 7th November. Lets have another great month and hopefully we will see you back on the street art tour soon.
All photos: Dave Stuart