Category Archives: News


Banksy Christmas Press Fest

Two Banksy stories have appeared this weekend in a press suffering from either a severe news shortage or a chronic space surplus.  Although writing about street art is ideally never encumbered by this author’s first person singular perspective, both today’s Banksy stories have a minor and trivial personal resonance.

Jamie Oliver the former boy wonder chef confesses to having thrown away Banksy art given to him as a gift.  Seems that Jamie didn’t think the art would ever be worth anything and didn’t want it hanging on his wall.  Our Shoreditch Street Art Tours actually have their origins in a process that involved Banksy’s connection to Jamie Oliver.

Jamie Oliver the brilliant young chef was a breath of fresh air in the world of TV chefs with his cockney accent presenting shows in a style that bucked the established studio style, catering for mates in his home complete with beer and swearing in some mid terrace house in grungy East London.

Jamie Oliver opened a restaurant in Shoreditch called Fifteen, its laudable and substantially successful objective was to provide training and a springboard to a new career as chefs for young local unemployed and disadvantaged youths let down by conventional education and apprenticeship schemes.  This became the subject of Jamie Oliver’s hit 2002 Channel 4 TV programme “Jamie’s Kitchen”.  Supposedly with encouragement from his celebrity mate, Banksy stencilled some mischievous rats breaking in next door to the restaurant, perhaps as a metaphor for the lucky beneficiaries breaking into an otherwise unobtainable career.

a Pair of rats with a crowbar and a grinder by Banksy

Rats by Banksy, photo Dave Stuart

Jamie and Banksy were a great match, two peas in a pot (sic). Both were young disrupters, both hugely influential, well meaning and cool.  Jamie’s  suggestion that he had no idea Banksy would be worth anything feels perhaps a bit disingenuous given their rumoured connection while framing the timing as being a part of mid to late 90s “Cool Britiannia” is not entirely consistent with Banksy’s first exhibition in Bristol and his relocation to London both occurring in 2000 and the 2002 opening of Fifteen.

The completely tenuous stretch is that I saw these rats on one of the famous Banksy tours led by Martin Bull aka Shellshock back in 2006. The photos of those rats were taken on that infamous tour.

2006 Banksy street art tour looks at stencil rats on Jamie Oliver restuarant

Banksy Tour, 2006. Are you in this photo? Photo Dave Stuart

Martin and his co-researcher Sam remain very close friends, here is the story of how my very first street art tour in 2008 was inspired by those Shellshock Banksy Tours.

Sadly, those rats disappeared long ago. Not the first Banksy Street art to be lost in Shoreditch, check the recent story of Transport for London Overground and their wildly inconsistent removal of the 2024 Banksy monkeys.

What lost Banksy rats look like now

Westland Place – After The Banksy Has Gone

To avoid disrupting their hazy alcoholic Holiday Season schedules, journalists compile year end best of lists around November time.  If the clickbait potential can be ramped up by throwing Banksy in the mix, all the better.   This morning a “best 7 photos of the year” article appeared and right up there was a photo of one of Banksy’s “Zoo escape” pieces accompanied by the “On the spot” commentary.

To recap, over 9 days last Summer Banksy did a new street art stencil somewhere in London.  Many people’s favourite was the amusing lovestruck rhino stencil on an industrial estate service road in Charlton.  Not only can we tell exactly when the photographer landed his snap but I must confess to a minor role in him landing his accolade.

Banksy London Zoo escape lovestruck rhino defaced with corporate branding

Lovestruck Rhino with opportunist branding Photo Dave Stuart

The whole Banksy chasing circus (I blush here) was poised all morning for the daily Banksy Instagram upload.   Yet another cross London bike ride, this one was the furthest from me by a long way, brought me by mid afternoon to the rhino right outside some salvaged metal processing facility.  They had dropped a branded skip in front of the car, covered the wall next to the rhino in their logo and fastened the kind of sash worn in a previous era by beauty contest winners or pageant queens across the front windscreen.  Such shameless self promoting Banksy exploitation is deplorable.  More blushing.

Surprised that no one had taken the initiative, I removed the sash and some of the easier logos from the wall to pats on the back from several present.  Later that afternoon some local writers rolled up and tagged the wall.  The award winning Getty photographer’s snap was taken sometime between the two events.   “Timing is everything” when it comes to Banksy says photographer John Phillips and his certainly benefitted from my purge of the opportunistic advertising.  His photo even suffers from the same sun artefact as mine, see that slight green tinge in the middle right at the top.  Our photos were taken at very similar times.

Banksy London Zoo escape lovestruck rhino defaced with corporate branding

Shoreditch Street Art Tours Removes Branding. Photo Dave Stuart

In case you are wondering, have you ever tried shifting a skip on your own?

All Photos copyright Dave Stuart

Banksy Brick Lane Monkeys Stencils Culled

In a strange and un-expected move Transport for London Overground 2 nights ago removed the Banksy three monkeys art piece from the bridge over Brick Lane where they were stencilled in August of this year.

Banksy Brick Lane monkeys stencil buffed by TfL

Where’s it gone?

The three monkeys were among the menagerie of creatures that escaped from London Zoo in Regents Park and had proved a popular, constantly visited landmark.

Tourists flock to photograph Banmksy Monkeys on Brick Lane

Tourists flock to see Banksy Brick Lane Monkeys

Banksy being "Buffed" by TfL contractors.  Photo by Anna Molony

Banksy being “Buffed”. Photo by Anna Molony

Back in September we pondered the longevity of the 9 Banksy artworks.  The Pirahna tank was grabbed by the Corporation of London and displayed in the Guildhall; an advertising billboard company said “That’s on our property” about the stretching wildcat and promptly removed it “For safety reasons”, location currently unknown; London Zoo removed their stencilled shutter and replaced it with a vinyl reproduction; the Peckham wolf  and the horny rhino in Charlton were both stolen, now the only ones that remain in their original locations are the Kew Bridge Ibex, the Chelsea elephants and the Walthamstow chipshop pelicans though all have to some degree been either protected and/or restored.   The Brick Lane Monkeys is the only one actually buffed.

Pirahna Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

Banksy is possibly the best known and most popular contemporary artist in the world.  This cleansing is sadly an act of art desecration of the worst kind.  It demonstrates the poverty of regard held by corporations and authorities for art in this country.  While this art form has ephemerality at its core, if this artwork had been in the National Gallery (thank god it isn’t) and had a bowl of soup lobbed at it the establishment would be horrified and the press would be engaged in a witchhunt.

During lockdown Banksy created a piece of art inside a TfL tube train which was promptly cleaned the same day, TfL issued a statement saying that this was consistent with their “strict anti graffiti policy”, though that policy would appear to be “strictly flexible” as the Nathan Bowen character and sundry other un-authorised marks have been left intact on the bridge, just the Banksy was buffed.

Banksy removed from TfL Overground Bridge, other tags and art fine

“TfL Overground in massive Nathan Bowen endorsement!”

About 100 metres from the Banksy monkeys, the very same concrete structure carrying the same line has for about 6 years been the site for of some of the best graffiti and street art painted in London with the consent of the same property owner by artists.  Why did they have to destroy this Banksy when it was on the same structure?   It defies logic.

artists painting TfL Overground property with permisssion

WOM Collective enjoy an art painting jam on the same structure as the now removed Banksy Monkeys, March 2024

I have asked Transport for London for an explanation for this wanton act of corporate philistine behaviour but expect it will take several weeks to get a reply.

You don’t mask you don’t get – Banksy, 2020

Shepard Fairey – Piece and Resistance In Shoreditch

Last month Shepard Fairey painted a brand new mural in Shoreditch, actually the largest he has painted in Shoreditch.  We decided to celebrate by looking back at Shepard Fairey’s Shoreditch activity on 3 key historic occasions.  Those three occasions were when Shepard Fairey held major solo art shows in Shoreditch, hosted by his longstanding buddy D*Face.

Shepard Fairey NineteenEightyFouria Show Shoreditch 2007

2007 Shepard Fairey NineteenEightyFouria Show Shoreditch 2007

SHepard Fairey Exhibition London 2012 Sound And Vision

Shepard Fairey Record Store for “Sound and Vision”, 2012

Shepard Fairey 2019 London Exhibition Facing The Giant

“Facing The Giant”, 2019

In 2012 Shepard Fairey took time out from Sound and Vision preparations to paint several blockbuster murals.  It Takes The Sedation Of Millions To Hold Us Back was inspired by Public Enemy’s album setting an agenda against political somnambulism caused by “conspicuous consumption, social media, entertainment, and self-medication” and lasted a good few years.  

Shepard Fairey Mural in Shoreditch 2012

Shepard Fairey “It Takes The Sedation Of Millions To Hold Us Back”, 2012

“This Decade Only” with its huge debt to Jamie Reid’s version endured till 2016.   Directly opposite Shepard’s Sound and Vision exhibition a ghetto blaster mural appeared visible over the Truman Brewery boundary wall.

Sheppard Fairey Mural collboration with Jamie Reid, Shoreditch 2012

This Decade Only, Shoreditch 2012

Shepard Fairey Mural, Sound and Vision 2012

Shepard Fairey, also featuring D*Face’s Drone Dog, Space Invader, ROnzo and Boris Johnson’s 2012 gift to the Olympic gods

In 2019 Shepard Fairey added yellow and blue to his classic black, red and gold for the first time.  Sue Webster had moved out of the famous “Dirty House” and Shepard gave the exterior a glorious multi colour collage of classic Obey elements while filling the interior ground floor with a chunk of his Facing The Giant 30th anniversary show.  Shepard’s wife Amanda stood in as representative of powerful women and her eyes followed you wherever you went.

Shepard Fairey, Anti gun, #nohate, #LiveandLetLive, #StreetArt AgaintHate #WeDemand, #ChangeTheRef, streetart, streetartist, Shoreditch Street Art Tours

“Raise The Level” – Shepard Fairey, Oct 2019

This 2024 visit saw Shepard paint a huge environmental mural which appears to come as a late addition to the London Mural Festival, though several agencies and producers have emerged to claim a share of the credit for Shepard’s visit.

Shepard Fairey 2019 London Exhibition Facing The Giant

“Facing The Giant”, 2019

Shepard Fairey Earth Justice mural Shoreditch 2024

Earth Justice, Shoreditch 2024

As a major contributor of stickers, pasteups and murals to Shoreditch’s walls for two decades, sister blog Graffoto has done a much larger photo rich revisit of that Shepard Fairey history, including Fairey’s stickers and paste ups which are the key elements of his street art, read it now!

All photos Dave Stuart

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art Brick Lane

London International Pasteup Festival 2024

London International Pasteup Festival ’s 4th incarnation took place the weekend of 12th, 13th and 14th of September 2024.   Art came in from all over the world with contributions ranging from street artists with an established gallery palmarès to newcomer artists being seen in public for the first time.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Pasteup Gang preparing an LIPF 2024 wall

Each of previous 3 editions evolved in some manner from its predecessor, this iteration also had new games to play and toys to share.  The prime focus is of course what goes up on the walls and for this edition the pasteup festival formed a new partnership with the London Mural Festival who kindly donated an established spraypaint art wall.  The fate of the paste ups surprised precisely no one with spray can overpainting commencing immediately but it was an interesting experiment.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

LIPF 2024/London Mural Festival wall

This year performance was brought into the programme with the pasteups providing a background.  The charismatic belly dancer Ana Hernandez stopped the Brick Lane traffic on Saturday afternoon performing in front of the Seven Stars Pub wall art and on Sunday Jasmine Kahlia rapped up and down the pavement in front of the Seven Stars pasteups to a live and online audience.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art with belly dancer performing

Ana Gabriela Hernandez, peace builder, belly dancer and psychologist

There was an art sale, a treasure hunt to find framed art and throughout the weekend artist kept creating and adding to the walls.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Art Sale

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Creating creating Visionox and Susi Foxy Art

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Seven Stars Pasteup Wall and Art Sale

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Art treasure hunt – by Eve Obrochta

Sunday’s schedule promised a colour walk.  A colour walk it turns out, having seen the people involved, is a colourful procession of extravagantly clothed characters peacocking in front of pasteups of similar description.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art Colour Walk

Colour Walk – photo with thanks to Eva Obrochta

It turns out cats were a very common theme for the art received by the organisers.   Who’d have guessed?

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Height is your friend if longevity is your ambition and ThisIsLostBoy demonstrates classic paper draped over telescopic handles brush to get the real paste up heavens spot.  “Don’t bother in a breeze” was his key tip.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Getting High with ThisIsLostBoy

The organisation of the festival is driven mainly by force of nature Apparan but an incredible roster of supporters from the artists and photographers put shoulders to the wheel to get this event rolling, well done to all.

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

unknown genius

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art

Vision Ox and YaYa collab

London International Pasteup Festival 2024 street art


London International pasteup festival 2023 review

All photos: Dave Stuart except where stated

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

DFace Shoreditch Stamping Ground Treasure Hunt

Last weekend saw fun, creativity and a bit of exercise for all the family thanks to local street artist DFace.   Being “Local” was particularly significant as DFace was celebrating decades of decoration on his stomping ground, the street of London.

DFace Stamping Ground image

image courtesy DFace Official mailing list

The idea was a treasure hunt.  Solve the clues, find the location, stamp your paper, create your own authorised legitimate collaborative DFace image.   The fun started at DFace’s Gallery, StolenSpace.   Put your paper in a hinged frame, ink up the stamp pad, press the stamp through the window in the frame, fret about whether you had properly stamped the colour onto your sheet and how long the ink would take to dry (not long) then on to the next clue.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Stamping Point Treasure Hunt Clues

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp First Stamp at StolenSpace

First Stamp at StolenSpace

Second stop on the treasure trail, after the StolenSpace Gallery, was Slam City Skates in the Old Truman Brewery.   DFace is known to be a skate fanatic.


DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Blue Half Tone and mysterious blue streak added

Many may recall the old StolenSpace base in the Old Truman Brewery, hidden away in a loading dock DFace and friends Word To Mother and Ronzo had a skate ramp set up.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

From Slam City Skates the next stop is the epic DFace showcase at Art ‘Otel on the site of the former Foundry.  Digital animation installations, lenticular mural, sweeping DFace collages in the public spaces and a telephone box installation outside are among the reasons this location is now a major stop on the Shoreditch Street Art Tour.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Art ‘Otel, ready for the green ink

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Green stamp stamped!

The next location was the much storied Golden Heart pub on Commercial Street which has held out a welcome to local artists from Gilbert and George to DFace for years.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Pink hair and painted nails. Shoreditch norm.

Finally back to StolenSpace for the excitement of applying the 5th stamp and the grand reveal, the black outline which gave definition to the image .

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Check the registration

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

5 stamp DIY DFace print

Variations in the consistency of the inking, the distribution of smudges, vignettes in the corners from over enthusiastic unequal pressures, not to mention minute (or not so minute) discrepancies in registration (the alignment of the paper in the frame) pretty much guaranteed that no too images were identical.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp

Take your pick


All across Shoreditch families and familiar faces participating in the treasure hunt were super easy to spot, not least due to the distinctive pouches used to protect the paper while dashing from clue to clue.   I enjoyed the company of Brighton Street Art and we hooked up with artist Stubacca and a fun time was had, great company.   Then at each stamping station there were conversations to be had with staff and participants, works in progress to be compared not to mention clue checking. It was a lot about the social as well as the creation of a DFace artwork.  Technically I guess the finished stamped print could be regarded as an open time limited edition.  Everyone who completed the treasure hunt and printed all colours got a bonus screen printed and signed Certificate.

DFace street art treasure hunt stamp certificate


DFace is a globe trotting muralist, print maker and sticker artist.  This year I have seen major DFace murals in the 13th arrondissement in Paris as well as on the side of a building in Williamsburg, New York but London is not over-blessed with major DFace murals.  DFace painted a mural on the Camden/Kings Cross border for the 2020 London Mural Festival and has just recently painted a new mural at the same location for the 2024 edition.  Lo and behold, the #stampingground image turns out to be a miniature (reversed) souvenir of that stunning mural in Camden.

DFace mural for London Mural festival 2024

DFace Dog In Hand detail, Camden 2024

DFace mural for London Mural festival 2024

DFace Dog In Hand detail, Camden 2024

DFace mural for London Mural festival 2024

DFace Dog In Hand, Camden 2024

StolenSpace website

DFace instagram

London Mural Festival news

all photos: Dave Stuart

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Lovehearts On Shoreditch Streets by Grete Hjorth-Johansen

Radiant lovehearts paste ups first started to be seen around Shoreditch in about February this year.   As a bit of a sucker for super saturated colourised photo edits this series was in equal amounts intriguing and beautiful.  A recent chance encounter with the artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen revealed a fascinating story to the art.

Grete is in the habit of taking walks in her local woods where she chances upon tree trunks scarred with the amorous carvings of lovers initials entwined in love hearts.  These existential protestations of affection, some testifying to mutual passion others perhaps declaring an ambition rather than any prevailing actualité inspired Grete to document these remote and often hidden love charms.  Does shortening to initials rather than full names confer a degree of anonymity or does brevity reduce the time take to gouge the text into the tree bark?  These considerations have challenged graffiti writers and street artists throughout history.  That’s before we get to the matter of font design, which is the essence of graffiti.  There is also something wonderfully old fashioned and almost permanent about these carved markings in a world of fleeting social media impressions.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

These myriad unknowable possibilities inspired Grete to return and take photos at night, illuminating carvings from above with a torch, that iridescent loom of light in each of the photos is Grete’s torch.  This technique is much favoured by archaeologists struggling to read the shallow, time worn inscriptions on building foundation stones and gravestones (try it!).  The photos are then rendered to transform the muted shades of the woods into highly solarised and charming colour forms.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

Grete has recorded some 900 different carvings giving her an extensive library of imagery.  What do you do with a project that has built on so much time and work but you don’t have an exhibition?  You can go back to the very basic premise of street art, you find a space on a wall, put your aart up yourself and you curate and hold your own exhibition.  Admission free.   Grete took charge of her own destiny, did things herself and no waiting for anyone else’s consent created her own public display of these wonderful images.  This is about as punk as it gets and it’s what street art was and is all about.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

As well as the art aspect, Grete’s project places her as recorder and documentarian of the lovers’ efforts to immortalise and publicise their affections.  If you’re the type of person poking tree trunks with a knife this is possibly the best outcome you can dream of.  Imagine you’re D&C and you come round the corner in Old Street to find your passion memento lit up in neon.  Not bad, although possibly not good if the carving was 20 years ago and affairs have moved on.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

It be great to get a statement from one of the original Romeos or Juliettes but one of the points of these relics is that the message is public but the protagonists remain private, again the similarities with graffiti are inescapable.  Step forward H and S please!

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

This chance encounter with Grete actually took place at the very spot on a corner of Old Street roundabout where I stood in April 2008 to begin my very first street art tour.  We were under a digital billboard which every 30 seconds displayed a collection of Grete’s lovehearts project at about 1000 times life size.  Leaving aside the matter of art washing by the advertising businesses, these images brought colour and joy to Old Street for a whole fortnight, well done Grete. As long as lovers continue to love and boys and girls take knives on dates then let’s hope Grete continues to provide our streets with the beautiful photographic #Lovehearts paste ups.

Grete Hjorth-Johansen Instagram

Grete Hjorth-Johansen Website

All photos & video: Dave Stuart

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

Banksy Street Art Zoo Breakout

London has been been blessed with new Banksy street art creation every day for the past 9 days.   Call it the urban jungle, the Banksy zoo, the London Banksy safari, whatever you like, Banksy has treated London to a version of his notorious October 2013 Better Out Than In 30 day New York residency.  Fans and media had been baffled by a daily expanding menagerie of animals scattered across London but with the 9th and final creation, a gorilla orchestrating a mass breakout through a shutter on London Zoo, see above, the story acquired coherence.

Mountain Ibex, Banksy, 5th Aug, Kew Bridge

All images Dave Stuart except where noted

The first stencil showed a precariously balanced Mountain IBEX on a crumbling buttress, the Banksy magic being present in the placement, the imaginative use of the building structure, the comic surrealism of this happening in barely above sea level Kew and the perennial intrigue of how did he do it.  Release of CCTV footage from that camera on the wall gave us a big insight into Banksy’s use of a cherry picker.  By the way, the CCTV camera position in the photo below is after it was reset by the building occupants.

Mountain Ibex, Banksy, 5th Aug, Kew Bridge

Then a pair of elephants reaching out to each other arrived the next day in Chelsea.  Curiously the painting technique in the first two images was uncharacteristically flat though some uninvited collaborator has since sorted that by giving the elephants some white stripes (not witnessed through my lens yet!)

Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 2024


Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 2024

All this excitement occurred 3 years to the week since Banksy took his post lockdown Spraycation to East Anglia in 2021, perhaps it’s the time Banksy books for his holidays, or could it be it’s the rest of the year is holiday and this is when he clocks on for work?

Next day came three monkeys swinging across a bridge in Brick Lane spraypainted with variations in the paintwork giving a more typical Banksy detail.   Brick Lane is swinging, so are the monkeys into the trees, amazing placement and it seems he must have set up fake bridge repairs in the middle of Brick Lane to use that cherrypicker again, wow.

Three Wise Monkeys, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Three Wise Monkeys night manoeuvres, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Day 4, a howling wolf in Peckham silhouetted against a full moon was stolen within a couple of hours, much like the STOP sign Banksy subverted in Peckham last year.   The image of the wolf howling to a full moon really required night time viewing, thanks to those opportunist thieves the world has only Banksy’s own photos to enjoy that effect to the full.  Sometimes it seems Banksy likes having the only photos (London 2012 Olympics javelin thrower, “Morning Is Broken”, Herne Bay 2023).

Howling Wolf, Banksy, 8th Aug 2024, Peckham. Photo: courtesy

A long haul on the bike out to Walthamstow was required on day 5 to locate a pair of pelicans eating the fish from a chip shop sign.  Witty subversion is the takeaway (boom boom).

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

The Cricklewood Cat painted on a damaged disused billboard developed into a rather interesting story with the piece firstly being attacked by a member of the public with a hammer, then a contractor turning up to remove the billboard on behalf of the owner was blocked by people sequestering his ladder turning into a real “we shall not, we shall not be moved” standoff ended by 4 police cars and a riot van!   No longer on the streets.

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Stretching Cat (do not remove), Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Placing Xs on a map of London where Banksy had now done his stencils made it easy to speculate that the 7th and supposedly final one according to the Guardian, would be either central or in deep South East London.  Sure enough, right in the heart of the City of London financial district a fish tank of piranhas appeared using a hitherto unseen mixed painting technique.  The illusion of a fish filled tank was superb and the technique, unlike the tank, remains unclear.  This lasted 2 days before being purloined and rehoused by the City Of London Corporation aka the council, this can at time of writing be seen in Guildhall Yard, City of London.

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

The placement on police property was deliciously provocative and the preservation of this art gives Banksy a previously unimaginable privilege of police protection, what’s the opposite of “Most wanted”?

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

After knowing press reports that there would be just 7 images, it was a surprise and yet perhaps no surprise – never impose your expectations on Banksy – when reports of an 8th surfaced on Monday 12th August.  On an industrial estate in Charlton, deepest South East London a rhino has literally and metaphorically got the horn for a grey car with a cone on the bonnet.   This was so cleverly staged with the rear wheels of the jalopy deflated so the car appears to be buckling under the weight of the amorous mount.  Defaced early evening of 12th and at time of writing on 13th rumours are that the car has been towed/stolen (delete according to your conspiracy appetite).

Lovestruck Rhino, Banksy. 12th Aug 2024, Charlton

The final London Zoo piece brought the threads of the story together and authoritatively put the lid on some of the wilder ruminations on meaning.  The king of the jungle, itself perhaps an allegorical reference to Banksy, lifts the zoo shutter allowing a sea lion and an assorted birds including a humming bird and a bird of paradise to escape while unidentified creatures peer out on freedom.

London Zoo Breakout, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024

The Zoo has taken its lead from the line put out by the media at the weekend that Banksy’s whole point was simply to cheer people up, certainly zoo staff were all very positive about their Banksy Great Escape. Staff advised that their stock take is done in January which may mean escapees have a considerable time before they will be missed, the zoo does have baby gorillas but a request they be brought out for the photo op was declined, it seemed the humans didn’t want the competition.

London Zoological Society: Animals, Cages and a gorilla by Banksy, 13th Aug 2024

The idea of animals in captivity orchestrating their escape certainly has potential for a darker and more Banksy-esque interpretation. The artwork includes a nice nod to his 2006 Camden Maid aka “Sweeping it under the carpet” painted in nearby Chalk Farm.

“Sweeping It Under The Carpet”, Banksy, 2006 (after council repair)

If this is to be the last then London won’t have numerically matched the 29 street art pieces Banksy blessed New York with in 2013 but in terms of the coherence of the theme and to pull that off across 9 street art pieces without missing a beat is an amazing achievement.

It is also evident that CCTV no longer holds the terror for street artists that it may have done 20 years ago with several of Banksy’s pieces being done in the full beady gaze of the CCTV camera.  Indeed in the case of the Ibex goat the word from the property owner is that the CCTC captured Banksy repositioning the camera to face directly at the goat, so the camera is component of the artwork.

I-Spy something beginning with B, City Of London, 11th Aug

Watching the cheeky monkey, London Zoo, 13th Aug 2024

Is this zoo animal themed street exhibition done?  Would it be a surprise if that escaping sea lion turned up on the nearby Regents Canal?  Banksy certainly knows a few spots along there.

Three Wise Monkeys, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

Three Wise Monkeys and some pigeons, Banksy, 7th Aug 20224, Brick Lane

Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 20242

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

All images Dave Stuart except where noted


all female artists of WOM Collective painted a railway wall

Shoreditch Street Art Update

Heading into Easter week there was so much activity that it is definitely worth a Shoreditch street art update.

Saturday saw the all female WOM collective close off a month long art programme with an all female paint jam in Allen Gardens.

the all female artist WOM collective in action in Allen Gardens in Shoreditch

WOM Collective work in progress

3 finished murals from the all female artist WOM collective under a railway bridge in Shoreditch

JHO, Yana Chernikova & Meg Young – WOM Collective

That same Saturday morning the discovery of a single paste up by New York artist Toastoro raised eyebrows, was it added by a friend or a possible visit in person?  It was such a pleasure when Toastoro unexpectedly walked into the bar on Brick Lane where a group of us were enjoying an aperitif, much as we were when we last met him in 2022.  Toastoro now has the mistaken impression that we live in that bar!

paste up bny New York street artist Toastoro shows a Studio Ghibli susuwatari dust sprite peeping through bamboo shoots

Toastoro’s Susuwatari, March 2024

Saturday afternoon saw a group of paste up artists adding new art in several locations along Brick Lane.  Subdude, Rolling Fool, Oddo, Uberfubs, Susi_foxy_art all made beautiful offerings for the walls in a number of spots.

street artists preparing paste up street art

Paste up group, Brick Lane

Subdude, March 2024

Uberfubs, March 2024

It was nice to welcome Floating Concrete back with some very delicate concrete lettering and a new idea in recycling old photographs.

unusual cast concrete letters by Floating concrete on recycled photographs on Brick Lane

Floating Concrete

On my wanders both with the paste up collective and then on the tour the next day it was a pleasure to discover some 3D printed skulls by the Portland skullmeister Rx Skulls (also visible in the photo above but that’s from a little while back).

RX Skulls, to the power of 3. March 2024

Close to Old Street Michogato joined a number of graffiti writers, mainly from the Ghost Writers crew to freshen up the plaza next to the Fire Station.

street art mural in Shoreditch shows head on view of a tube crowded by cats being driven by a cat by Micho Gato

Micho Gato, March 2024

legal Graffiti and street art murals by Shoreditch Fire station featuring Micho Gato, Alone, Sleaf, 2Rise, Kaes, Gabs

L-R Micho Gato, Alone, Sleaf, 2Rise, Kaes, Gabs

Yet more visiting street artists pasted up some magnificent art on Brick Lane; Sez La Vie imagines what a droid would look like if Matisse had got the design gig.  This was pasted in the company of his friend Old Bones.

Colourful textured wooden garage doors in Shoreditch with large street art paste ups of a droid with apple Magritte style and a Queen of broken hearts playing card

Old Bones Art and Sez La Vie, March 2024

In the middle of the preceding week the railway bridge on Wheler St got a delicious new collection of tattoo style lettering from the Sacred Lettering crew but especially noteworthy was how Trafik blended his graffiti background into the adjacent existing piece by Squarms from a few weeks ago.

gothic graffiti lettering saying Trafik blends with street art showing skeleton in front of bales of multi coloured tufting yarn by Squarms in Shoreditch

Trafik, Squarms, Mar 2024

Freshly painted this week was a portrait added by Pablo Fiasco in the margins of his Linton Kwesi Johnson portrait from just a few weeks earlier. [update – further updated in the past 24!]

Pablo Fiasco, March 2024

The rush of Shoreditch street art creativity delivered quite a number of unexpected Easter eggs, now let’s see if the Easter Bunny can do the same

Additional Links

Elfin insta

Lours Insta

JHO insta

Yana Chernikova insta

Meg Young insta

Pawz insta

Alone insta

Sleaf insta

2Rise insta

Kaes insta

Gabs insta

Travis insta

ALl Photos: Dave Stuart


[more to follow]

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

Banksy Imitates Nature

Spring is sprung and Banksy welcomes the freshest season with some fresh street art.  Last Spring it  was Valentines Day Mascara in Southend, this year a hibernating tree bursts into life with a vigorous new canopy of green foliage thanks to a gardener armed with a garden sprayer.

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

Banksy Tree March 2024

It can be interpreted new life, new growth and rebirth is possible even in this most urban and densely populated of North London Locations, or maybe it suggests a resident is fed up that the tree has been so brutally pollarded by the council, pollarding being a routine annual exercise for public trees in these parts.  News of this new piece emerged on Sunday 17th of March so perhaps there is even a nod towards the St Paddy’s day celebrations.

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

scene of the crime

The character holding the garden sprayer is stencilled in a very recognisable Banksy light-dark two tone style.  Evidently in his desire to get as much greenery up as possible the gardener has covered himself in paint.   The green of the foliage is a slightly different hue to that used in the character and also different to the green used to give solidity to the sprayer rod, so three different shades of green altogether.

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

“I did that”

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

3 greens in detail

Much of the reportage suggests that Banksy has used a fire extinguisher to paint the foliage.  He has critiqued the cultural institution Festival Hall by spraying BORING with a fire extinguisher, flown an extinguisher paint powered Love Plane in Liverpool and in his intrusion into Cromer’s model village in 2022 he cutely simulated fire extinguisher graff at miniature scale so Banksy is not lacking experience with that tool.  However, a fire extinguisher generally produces a lot more splatter and a haze of colour around the impact areas.  The dripping and the controlled arcs of green, particularly where the paint reaches over the wall to the left, suggest Banksy may have used the type of hand pressurised sprayer he is seen deploying in his “You don’t mask you don’t get” 2020 post lockdown tube cleaning video, the paint effect is then consistent with the garden sprayer the character is depicted holding.  The density of the paint in some areas and the really heavy drips could also suggest paint throwing.  The stencil character also has signed of hand touch ups.  Probably a combination of different techniques was used.

Banksy stencil biplance loops the loop love heart shape on wall in Liverpool 2011

Banksy Love Plane, Liverpool, 2011

Banksy street art on a model home installed without permission at Merrivale Model Village

Banksy mini fire extinguisher graff on model village stable, Aug 2021

Artistmedea who we often meet at urban art shows where she live sketches the private view crowds was thrilled as she lives very close by. She told me that when she has been out sketching she often walks home late at night past the spot chosen by Banksy because it is actually well lit at night.

Artist sketches scene of New Banksy in North LOndon

Artist Medea live sketches

When Banksy did the Valentine Day Mascara in Southend last year I spoke to and photographed a traditional painter with his easel set up painting the “It’s a new Banksy” circus in oils.   Under then name Peter The Painter his art then appeared in the Cut and Run Banksy exhibition in Glasgow last Summer.  Artistmedea ruefully laughed at the comparison with her sketching, promising that Banksy hadn’t hired her.

New Banksy stencil of a man spraying tree on a street in North London

You should have seen the queue of photographers behind me

Time will be a fascinating component of this new Banksy artwork.  Not just the normal temporal aging that affects all street art and graffiti as much as it affects us, nor hopefully the awful sequestration and commodification of those pious “for posterity” art salvors but the pendulum of the seasons will bring forth shoots and leaves to shade and blend with Banksy’s green hues over the warm months before the winter shedding reveals the ageing piece on the wall again.

Banksy imitates nature, nature will imitate art.


Banksy website

Medea’s Instagram

All Photos: Dave Stuart