Tag Archives: Shoreditch

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Lovehearts On Shoreditch Streets by Grete Hjorth-Johansen

Radiant lovehearts paste ups first started to be seen around Shoreditch in about February this year.   As a bit of a sucker for super saturated colourised photo edits this series was in equal amounts intriguing and beautiful.  A recent chance encounter with the artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen revealed a fascinating story to the art.

Grete is in the habit of taking walks in her local woods where she chances upon tree trunks scarred with the amorous carvings of lovers initials entwined in love hearts.  These existential protestations of affection, some testifying to mutual passion others perhaps declaring an ambition rather than any prevailing actualité inspired Grete to document these remote and often hidden love charms.  Does shortening to initials rather than full names confer a degree of anonymity or does brevity reduce the time take to gouge the text into the tree bark?  These considerations have challenged graffiti writers and street artists throughout history.  That’s before we get to the matter of font design, which is the essence of graffiti.  There is also something wonderfully old fashioned and almost permanent about these carved markings in a world of fleeting social media impressions.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

These myriad unknowable possibilities inspired Grete to return and take photos at night, illuminating carvings from above with a torch, that iridescent loom of light in each of the photos is Grete’s torch.  This technique is much favoured by archaeologists struggling to read the shallow, time worn inscriptions on building foundation stones and gravestones (try it!).  The photos are then rendered to transform the muted shades of the woods into highly solarised and charming colour forms.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

Grete has recorded some 900 different carvings giving her an extensive library of imagery.  What do you do with a project that has built on so much time and work but you don’t have an exhibition?  You can go back to the very basic premise of street art, you find a space on a wall, put your aart up yourself and you curate and hold your own exhibition.  Admission free.   Grete took charge of her own destiny, did things herself and no waiting for anyone else’s consent created her own public display of these wonderful images.  This is about as punk as it gets and it’s what street art was and is all about.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

As well as the art aspect, Grete’s project places her as recorder and documentarian of the lovers’ efforts to immortalise and publicise their affections.  If you’re the type of person poking tree trunks with a knife this is possibly the best outcome you can dream of.  Imagine you’re D&C and you come round the corner in Old Street to find your passion memento lit up in neon.  Not bad, although possibly not good if the carving was 20 years ago and affairs have moved on.

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

It be great to get a statement from one of the original Romeos or Juliettes but one of the points of these relics is that the message is public but the protagonists remain private, again the similarities with graffiti are inescapable.  Step forward H and S please!

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

This chance encounter with Grete actually took place at the very spot on a corner of Old Street roundabout where I stood in April 2008 to begin my very first street art tour.  We were under a digital billboard which every 30 seconds displayed a collection of Grete’s lovehearts project at about 1000 times life size.  Leaving aside the matter of art washing by the advertising businesses, these images brought colour and joy to Old Street for a whole fortnight, well done Grete. As long as lovers continue to love and boys and girls take knives on dates then let’s hope Grete continues to provide our streets with the beautiful photographic #Lovehearts paste ups.

Grete Hjorth-Johansen Instagram

Grete Hjorth-Johansen Website

All photos & video: Dave Stuart

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen displayed on digital advertising board at Old Street in Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

love hearts carved in trees photographed by artist Grete Hjorth-Johansen pasted up as street art on walls of Shoreditch

Grete Hjorth-Johansen #Lovehearts

Banksy Street Art Zoo Breakout

London has been been blessed with new Banksy street art creation every day for the past 9 days.   Call it the urban jungle, the Banksy zoo, the London Banksy safari, whatever you like, Banksy has treated London to a version of his notorious October 2013 Better Out Than In 30 day New York residency.  Fans and media had been baffled by a daily expanding menagerie of animals scattered across London but with the 9th and final creation, a gorilla orchestrating a mass breakout through a shutter on London Zoo, see above, the story acquired coherence.

Mountain Ibex, Banksy, 5th Aug, Kew Bridge

All images Dave Stuart except where noted

The first stencil showed a precariously balanced Mountain IBEX on a crumbling buttress, the Banksy magic being present in the placement, the imaginative use of the building structure, the comic surrealism of this happening in barely above sea level Kew and the perennial intrigue of how did he do it.  Release of CCTV footage from that camera on the wall gave us a big insight into Banksy’s use of a cherry picker.  By the way, the CCTV camera position in the photo below is after it was reset by the building occupants.

Mountain Ibex, Banksy, 5th Aug, Kew Bridge

Then a pair of elephants reaching out to each other arrived the next day in Chelsea.  Curiously the painting technique in the first two images was uncharacteristically flat though some uninvited collaborator has since sorted that by giving the elephants some white stripes (not witnessed through my lens yet!)

Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 2024


Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 2024

All this excitement occurred 3 years to the week since Banksy took his post lockdown Spraycation to East Anglia in 2021, perhaps it’s the time Banksy books for his holidays, or could it be it’s the rest of the year is holiday and this is when he clocks on for work?

Next day came three monkeys swinging across a bridge in Brick Lane spraypainted with variations in the paintwork giving a more typical Banksy detail.   Brick Lane is swinging, so are the monkeys into the trees, amazing placement and it seems he must have set up fake bridge repairs in the middle of Brick Lane to use that cherrypicker again, wow.

Three Wise Monkeys, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Three Wise Monkeys night manoeuvres, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Day 4, a howling wolf in Peckham silhouetted against a full moon was stolen within a couple of hours, much like the STOP sign Banksy subverted in Peckham last year.   The image of the wolf howling to a full moon really required night time viewing, thanks to those opportunist thieves the world has only Banksy’s own photos to enjoy that effect to the full.  Sometimes it seems Banksy likes having the only photos (London 2012 Olympics javelin thrower, “Morning Is Broken”, Herne Bay 2023).

Howling Wolf, Banksy, 8th Aug 2024, Peckham. Photo: courtesy Banksy.co.uk

A long haul on the bike out to Walthamstow was required on day 5 to locate a pair of pelicans eating the fish from a chip shop sign.  Witty subversion is the takeaway (boom boom).

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

The Cricklewood Cat painted on a damaged disused billboard developed into a rather interesting story with the piece firstly being attacked by a member of the public with a hammer, then a contractor turning up to remove the billboard on behalf of the owner was blocked by people sequestering his ladder turning into a real “we shall not, we shall not be moved” standoff ended by 4 police cars and a riot van!   No longer on the streets.

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Stretching Cat (do not remove), Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Placing Xs on a map of London where Banksy had now done his stencils made it easy to speculate that the 7th and supposedly final one according to the Guardian, would be either central or in deep South East London.  Sure enough, right in the heart of the City of London financial district a fish tank of piranhas appeared using a hitherto unseen mixed painting technique.  The illusion of a fish filled tank was superb and the technique, unlike the tank, remains unclear.  This lasted 2 days before being purloined and rehoused by the City Of London Corporation aka the council, this can at time of writing be seen in Guildhall Yard, City of London.

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

The placement on police property was deliciously provocative and the preservation of this art gives Banksy a previously unimaginable privilege of police protection, what’s the opposite of “Most wanted”?

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

After knowing press reports that there would be just 7 images, it was a surprise and yet perhaps no surprise – never impose your expectations on Banksy – when reports of an 8th surfaced on Monday 12th August.  On an industrial estate in Charlton, deepest South East London a rhino has literally and metaphorically got the horn for a grey car with a cone on the bonnet.   This was so cleverly staged with the rear wheels of the jalopy deflated so the car appears to be buckling under the weight of the amorous mount.  Defaced early evening of 12th and at time of writing on 13th rumours are that the car has been towed/stolen (delete according to your conspiracy appetite).

Lovestruck Rhino, Banksy. 12th Aug 2024, Charlton

The final London Zoo piece brought the threads of the story together and authoritatively put the lid on some of the wilder ruminations on meaning.  The king of the jungle, itself perhaps an allegorical reference to Banksy, lifts the zoo shutter allowing a sea lion and an assorted birds including a humming bird and a bird of paradise to escape while unidentified creatures peer out on freedom.

London Zoo Breakout, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024

The Zoo has taken its lead from the line put out by the media at the weekend that Banksy’s whole point was simply to cheer people up, certainly zoo staff were all very positive about their Banksy Great Escape. Staff advised that their stock take is done in January which may mean escapees have a considerable time before they will be missed, the zoo does have baby gorillas but a request they be brought out for the photo op was declined, it seemed the humans didn’t want the competition.

London Zoological Society: Animals, Cages and a gorilla by Banksy, 13th Aug 2024

The idea of animals in captivity orchestrating their escape certainly has potential for a darker and more Banksy-esque interpretation. The artwork includes a nice nod to his 2006 Camden Maid aka “Sweeping it under the carpet” painted in nearby Chalk Farm.

“Sweeping It Under The Carpet”, Banksy, 2006 (after council repair)

If this is to be the last then London won’t have numerically matched the 29 street art pieces Banksy blessed New York with in 2013 but in terms of the coherence of the theme and to pull that off across 9 street art pieces without missing a beat is an amazing achievement.

It is also evident that CCTV no longer holds the terror for street artists that it may have done 20 years ago with several of Banksy’s pieces being done in the full beady gaze of the CCTV camera.  Indeed in the case of the Ibex goat the word from the property owner is that the CCTC captured Banksy repositioning the camera to face directly at the goat, so the camera is component of the artwork.

I-Spy something beginning with B, City Of London, 11th Aug

Watching the cheeky monkey, London Zoo, 13th Aug 2024

Is this zoo animal themed street exhibition done?  Would it be a surprise if that escaping sea lion turned up on the nearby Regents Canal?  Banksy certainly knows a few spots along there.

Three Wise Monkeys, Banksy, 7th Aug 2024, Brick Lane

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Stretching Cat, Banksy, 13th Aug 2024, Cricklewood

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

Three Wise Monkeys and some pigeons, Banksy, 7th Aug 20224, Brick Lane

Elephants in Chelsea. Banksy, 6th Aug 20242

Piranha Fish Tank, Banksy, 11th Aug 2024, City of London

Fish Supper, Banksy, 9th Aug 2024, Walthamstow

All images Dave Stuart except where noted


Intertwining figures in cubist style by street artist Yorgos painted on unusual shape wall

Yorgos new street art and old

On Christmas Eve the Shoreditch Street Art Tour had the pleasure of bumping into Yorgos photographing a charming new street art piece in his signature style painted the night before.  Ever the friendly one, Yorgos delighted guests on the tour by posing alongside his new masterpiece.

street artist Yorgos shows off his Shoreditch mural showing intertwined bodies with picasso cubist faces

Yorgos shows his characters on Christmas Eve 2023

Yorgos told us that he had painted the artwork the night before but hadn’t been able to get a decent photograph.  He had returned to get his daytime photograph but confessed he was a bit worried that it might have been tagged or painted over before he got there.  Lucky for all is was still in pristine condition.

Having seen out the old year with that beauty, Yorgos welcomed 2024 in with another banger.  This was painted on a wall some might consider complex but Yorgos seems to have found its geometry a simple problem to solve.  Cubism in a couple of squares!

close cropped photo of Intertwining figures in cubist style by street artist Yorgos painted on unusual shape wall

Yorgos, New Year 2024

This wall was actually right at the spot where my very first street art tour convened in 2008 and it is I believe the first time that spot has been taken over for a full mural piece in this style.

Yorgos showed he fully understand the ephemeral nature of street art and it was just as well he got his photos on Christmas Eve, that piece was painted over this week.

New graffiti writing over Yorgos mural

Polo STS over Yorgos, Jan 2024

I am sure we will see more from Yorgos this year, can’t wait.


Yorgos Instagram

All photos: Dave Stuart

Brick Lane London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

London International Pasteup Festival 2023

The 3rd edition of the London International Pasteup Festival was a magnificent, colourful, creative and chaotic success.   Following an open call art came from all over the world including Australia, New Zealand, Italy, France, Germany, Norway, USA, Jordan, Greece, Uruguay and Preston to name just a few places that aren’t London.

The art included every imaginable format capable of being pasted up with the LIPF special blend of wallpaper paste and PVA.

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Pasteup Street art on wall on Brick Lane for the London International Pasteup Festival 2023

Soandso PDX, with Vegan Flava (Swe) and others

ACAC All Cops Are Clowns stencil street art pasted up as paste of London International Pasteup Festival 2023

All Cops Are Clowns says Yo Pecador, spraypaint, single layer stencil on party tablecloth paper

In several spots the pasteup crew met with “Concern” from property owners, which kind of adds to the fun.  At Fashion Street occupants praised the art, saying they were always delighted when the art on their walls changed.

Fashion Street London before the London International Pasteup Festival updated the street art

Fashion Street Before LIPF3 – including survivors Mowcka, Toastoro, RX Skulls, Quint, Neon Savage

Fashion Street London after the London International Pasteup Festival refreshed the street art

Fashion Street After LIPF3. So and So PDX, Zelda Bomba, Doodlher, Wrdsmth, UltramarineDream, Emzo, Sincanvas, Planet Selfie, Catscult, Paddywaggon, Oddo, Jola, Jace, D7606, Coloquix, Diva Dog LA, Number Six Prints, Amore, Art Tits

Check out a short clip of the pasteup team in action on a few of the walls here on the Shoreditch Street Art Tours Instagram

Eight locations benefitted from comprehensive LIPF3 makeovers and several of the LIPF2 locations  received minor tarting up.

Fashion St London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

Fashion St, the big picture

Blackall Street London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

One part of Blackall Street: Yo Pecador, RX Skulls (2022), Vegan Flava, Easyone, Orrible (pre festival), The Ass Cream, Did by Rua, Slow Shrug, My Pen Leaks, Jane and Rik, Pixelpunk, Mnky, Doodlher, Paddywaggon, Blackligma

Puma Court detail: Katrine Beth Reigstad, Koko Bayer, Toastoro, Apparan, Goldloxe, Nudehead, PInk Boneyard, Neftnik, RX Skulls. Voxx Romana

Buxton St London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

Buxton St: feat. Yo Pecador, Pmntowl, Jola, My Pen Leaks, Sincanvas, d7606, Visionox, Mort art, Subdude, Wrdsmth, tweet_streetart, tanzt_die_orange, Lidia Lidia, number six prints

Pasteup Street art on wall on Seven Stars yard, Brick Lane for the London International Pasteup Festival 2023

Seven Stars Yard fragment (see top image for full wall): Tweet_street art, TV Head ATX, Toastoro, Scrapyard Specs, Mkny, Jace, Did by Rua, D7606, Banga Street Art, Perishable Rush, blackligma; also David Guest, Brocolli Man, Raddington Falls

Grimsby St London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

Grimsby St, the big picture

Grimsby St London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

Small portion of Grimsby St walls: Apparan, Creative-Electric, Subdude, Raf Urban, Diva Dog LA, Bento Ghoul, Streetvulven, Visionox, Jace, Wrdsmth, Tripsandpieces, Jace, Briliant_gr, Jola, Lidia Lidia, Homo Riot

Calvin St London pasteup street art for the 3rd London International Pasteup Festival

Calvin St: City Kitty, Greatboxers, Green Taxonomy, Nasty, Briliant_Gr, D7606, The Artful Fro, Mowcka, Lidia Lidia, Eduard Dinic, Toastoro, Fra Quendo, Pre LIPF: Darkevil Arts,Neon Savage, Boxitrixi, Donk, Corrosive8

It took a revolving gang of paste flingers led by the artists and principal organisers Apparan and Subdude 4 long days of action to paste up the art prior to the festival.

several Street artists adding art to a wall on Brick Lane for the London International Pasteup Festival 2023

sunny days pasting art at Grimsby Street

The festival included fundraising, a paste up workshop run by the legend Mowcka and a pop up art shop at the notorious and popular Monty’s on Brick Lane.

People making art for the London International Pasteup Festival Pasteup Workshop

LIPF3 Pasteup Workshop .  Photo: Apparan

People making art for the London International Pasteup Festival Pasteup Workshop

LIPF3 Pasteup Workshop . Photo: Apparan

LIPF3 marked a further development in the organiser’s approach to arranging the walls.  In 2021 LIPF1 (review here) involved placing the art on walls with permission and in several locations the art was pasted onto vinyl tarpaulins which were tied to permission walls.  LIPF2 (review here) in 2022 saw the team focus on pasteup halls of fame with tacit approval or tolerance, except one location where an occupant took extreme umbrage with the pasters and a cake slice to the walls.   The absence of permission and the placement on existing pasteups gave the display a more authentic feel, something closer to the true spirit of pasteup street art.

This time, LIPF3, the team extended the number of walls decorated and worked around and with existing pasteup art, retaining large amounts of art already on the wall so that a spectrum of paper art from different stages of the street art life span could be seen.  This meant that rather than a uniform brand new appearance of art all the same age, there was rips, textures and elements of the natural aging process present.

Pasteup Street art on wall on Brick Lane for the London International Pasteup Festival 2023

Seven Stars Yard

The pasteup team take great pains to try to avoid the walls looking like formal gallery hang arrangements, Uberfubs contributed significantly to the overall aesthetic adding her colourful circles to break up the depressing tyranny of the long straight edge.

Colourful circles by Uberfubs connect and break up art by many street artists at The London International Pasteup Festival

Uberfubs between Doodhler, ODDO, Fra Quendo, Jola, D7606, Toastoro, Nasty, Tweet_streetart, Katsukai Collective, Subdude, DaddyStreetFox

The paste up crew didn’t just retain existing art, they even repaired some beautiful pieces that were on the verge of giving up the ghost.  No charge 😉

The next video is a homage to the London International Pasteup festival featuring close to 70 shots of the art displayed on a number of the walls around Shoreditch.

London International Pasteup Festival was held on the weekend of 16th and 17th of September.  The display survives but diminishes over time as new art goes over old.

The London International Pasteup Festival are congratulated on doing such a fabulous job at keeping this often overlooked and dismissed element of street art culture alive and relevant, as well as producing a wonderful update to a large number of walls around Shoreditch (and beyond through related projects)

As is the case with all street art except murals, participants in LIPF3 were not required to identify as artists,  anyone could send in paper art and that could be you next time!  Follow the London International Pasteup Festival for future news of further opportunities to join in the fun.

Click for LIPF3 Locations Map

London International Pasteup Festival Instagram

All Photos: Dave Stuart except workshop photos courtesy Apparan

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Street Artist Cartoonneros Surviving England On Ten Pounds

Argentinian stencil artist Cartoonneros is in town again, this is hard to miss if you are paying attention in Shoreditch.

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Kurt Cobain, Jean Michel Basquiat by Cartoonneros, also feat Tizer

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh portraits by Cartoonneros

A few days ago I had the honour of visiting a posh west end gallery (private, appointment only!) with Cartoonneros and after that visit, rather than go for a coffee as I had anticipated, our stencil hero said “stick with me, I got something to do in Piccadilly”.  So, trying not to cramp his style, I followed at a discreet distance and captured a few additions to the chaos and colour that surrounds Anteros and he/him/his errant arrow.  Enjoy the vid, sorry about the sound.

Most importantly, Cartoonneros has his third show at The Pure Evil Gallery with an opening event this Thursday.   No excuses.

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Kurt Cobain by Cartoonneros; also 2Rise

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh portraits by Cartoonneros

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Cartoonneros putting Putin in the bin

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Mona Lisa street stencil reproductions by Cartoonneros

image of Cartoonneros street art to illustrate how it relates to his art in his exhibition at Pure Evil Gallery in Jan 2023

Esto ne es un stencil (except when its in Piccadilly)

Cartoonneros: “Surviving England On Ten Pounds”

Thursday 26th Jan 2023, 6-9pm

Pure Evil Gallery

98 Leonard Street,


City Kitty, RX Skulls, Toastoro, Voxx Romana and Wrdsmth visited Shoreditch with a group of street artists from Portland and New York and created original street art

Portland and NY Street Artists visit Shoreditch

This August a group of street artists from Portland, Oregon as well as their friends from other endz visited Shoreditch to bless the public realm with their creativity.   Various combinations of this group have been visiting Europe regularly over the years and the street art they create is never short of impressive.

City Kitty, RX Skulls, Toastoro, Voxx Romana and Wrdsmth

Gang mural (above and feature image) : City Kitty, RX Skulls, Toastoro, Voxx Romana and local friend Wrdsmth

RX Skulls and Voxx Romana have been at the centre of the previous manifestations of this team, on this occasion they were joined by City Kitty from New York, Toastoro from Portland and team photographer Cody Keto.

Toastoro and RX Skulls

Cat Bus Toaster by Toastoro, Chonk by RX Skulls (also feat Boxitrixi, ODDO, DaddyStreertFox)

Each artist has embraced differing themes and influences yet there is commonality in the techniques, placements and energy.   Paste ups, stencil, stickers and various installations are all deployed in the name of public decoration, sometimes in adventurous and novel ways.

Voxx Romana

My name is Voxx Romana, observe my stencil


Toastoro stencilled paste up

RX Skulls is one of the best known art sticker makers around and he came prepared with masses of stickers, as well as paste ups and stencils.

RX Skulls

RX Skulls paste up

RX Skulls

RX Skulls sticker

RX Skulls, Voxx Romana/Vane PDX collab, Toastoro (also feat D7606, Slow Shrug)

Visible in the very corner of the photo above is a small RX Skulls paste up on the corner of the window ledge, a relic from 2018 which can be seen in its early days in the photo below.   Also visible in the following photo is a sculpture by 3x3x3 and a paste up from C3, C3 is one of the UK artists RX skulls has collaborated with and if you look closely above you can see the carbonised remains of that C3 in the layers of historic grime.

RX Skulls vs C3 also feat 3x3x3, 2018

Which leads to the next photo in which another aspect of the art practice of this posse is apparent, their enthusiasm for an art collaboration.  A collection of conjoined skeleton RX Skulls characters called the Chonks are seen in partnership with art from his UK friends D7606 and C3.  The Chonkening reflects RX’s intention to cram in tons of movies this year, don’t we all have an accumulated cinema deficit following the pandemic?  Another conjoined couple are off on a tattoo spree with a tattoo gun.

RX Skulls & C3; RX Skulls & D7606

RX Skulls & C3; RX Skulls & D7606

RX Skulls

RX Skulls wall of fame

In a lovely gesture RX gave a number of stickers which were hugely appreciated by guests of the Shoreditch Street Art Tour.

RX Skulls stickers

By the way, sticker placement at seriously impressive height was achieved using a special applicator I have seen on the net but never seen in action before.


Toastoro sticker

Voxx Romana came similarly prepared and perhaps most striking were his collaborations with Danny Ebru who provided the marbled paper background to Voxx Romana’s stencils, something Voxx brought with him on his previous visit.  The backgrounds are simply delicious.

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru collaboration

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru collaboration

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru collaboration

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru

Voxx Romana & Danny Ebru collaboration

Voxx got inventive with stencils wrapped around corners, borrowed background colours complement the stencilled definition of the face as if the whole thing was a single original collaborative art piece.

Voxx Romana

Voxx Romana 90 degree stencil

Another returning member was the collaboration machine City Kitty.  City Kitty focusses more on hand painted paste ups rather than print runs and consequently gets up fewer pieces than the other guys.   City Kitty does the street art podcast Scratching The Surface which is so damn good, several recent episodes were interviews recorded on this European foray.   If you are interested in the sticker arm device mentioned above then listen to all of City Kitty’s podcasts, one of them is with the artist whose side hustle is selling those poles.

City Kitty

City Kitty

City Kitty

City Kitty

Toastoro, whose pseudonym is a fusion of the word “toast” and the name of Studio Ghibli animation character “Totoro”, has had art up in Shoreditch in the past courtesy of friends putting him up but this visit really marked his first overseas in-person “campaign”.  Toastoro introduced two art techniques rarely seen in London street art: LED illuminated street art (hold tight Lost Hills) and layered art which Toastoro calls vinyl topography, the textured layered effect is hard to relive or convey through “mere” photographs.


Literally lit Toastoro


Toastoro vinyl topography


Toastoro vinyl topography

The Studio Ghibli reference implicit in the compound name Toastoro influences his subject matter which included sightings of Totoro (obvs) with a body shaped rather like a slice of bread, susawatari dust bunnies and funniest of all, a souped up cat bus (“My Neighbour Totoro”) with added toaster functionality.


susuwatari pavement stencils by Toastoro


Cat Bus Toaster by Toastoro

Toastoro visited Shoreditch with a group of street artists from Portland and New York and created original street art

Toastoro sticker

Voxx, RX and Toastoro all felt pavement stencilling was in order, something Voxx Romana and RX Skulls have done in Shoreditch on previous visits.

RX Skulls & Voxx Romana

RX Skulls & Voxx Romana pavement stencils

RX Skulls

Pavement Stencil by RX Skulls


Toastoro pavement stencil

The boys from Portland also put out some #FreeArt.  RX Skulls became only the second street artist I can recall putting out bronze street art.

RX Skulls

RX Skulls

Accompanying the street artists was the amazing and super cool photographer Cody Keto.  While out one evening the group bumped into Stik, a chance encounter which gave Cody the opportunity to create some amazing light trail photographs at Stik’s famous Hoxton Couple statue.  Cody has kindly given permission for his stunning photos to appear here.

RX Skulls, Voxx Romana, Toastoro and Stik

Portland guys vs Stik with Stik guest appearance. Photo courtesy Cody Keto Photography

Cody Kato and Toastoro

Catching Brick Lane Action – (behind) Cody Keto and (closer)Toastoro

The love extended to this group of visiting artists is really a reflection of the way they reach out to and embrace the wider world.  This is most apparent in their collaborations, these guys are total collaboration engines and it is not surprising to see them collaborating by design, on opportunity and by chance.

City Kitty and Toastoro

City Kitty/Toastoro cats and bamboo shoot collab (also feat Pablo Fiasco, RSH & an older Mowcka)

City Kitty and Toastoro

City Kitty/Toastoro collab detail

City Kitty & RX Skulls

City Kitty & RX Skulls collaboration

City Kitty hooked up with Neon Savage, the pair having collaborated many times down the years since meeting in Croydon in 2017 a fact gleaned from their podcast conversation on the always excellent City Kitty podcast.

City Kitty & Neon Savage

City Kitty & Neon Savage collab

RX Skulls & Polar Bear

RX Skulls & Polar Bear collaboration

One of the group told us that the highlight of the visits had been the welcome they received in Europe, visits were made to Manchester, Hackney Wick, Paris as well as Shoreditch and Southbank.  There were planned hook-ups as well as chance encounters with street artists and many artists and fans travelled to meet the team.

a group of street artists from Portland and New York and created original street art

Hanging at Montys for the “Bring and buy”


Toastoro at Southbank Undercroft

City Kitty

City Kitty at Southbank Undercroft

RX Skulls

RX Skulls at Southbank Undercroft

Mowcka has previously collaborated with City Kitty and travelled to hook up in Shoreditch.

Toastoro, City Kitty and Mowcka

Toastoro, City Kitty and visiting friend Mowcka

The combination of artists in this travelling circus changes on each visit but fear not, art by absent friends appears courtesy of those who do make the trip.

Vane PDX

Vane PDX (Voxx Romana obliged)

Vane PDX

Vane PDX transparent sticker

Vane’s sticker is printed on a transparent background, Voxx’s placement on Vane’s behalf intentionally responds to the red letterpress print by Jean Peut-Etre.  One of those “chance” collaborations perhaps.


DRSC0 – absent friend

visited Shoreditch with a group of street artists from Portland and New York and created original street art

Eye see Pam Goode – present in spirit

Also making appearances were friends from their local scenes that London did not have the pleasure of welcoming in person this time such as Cheer Up, Cuz Chris and Robots Will Kill

Cheer Up

Cheer Up

Notice the writing of Cheer Up’s name in the glitched font in the face – genius!

Cuz Chris

Cuz Chris

City Kitty & Chris RWK

City Kitty & Chris RWK sticker collaboration

RX Skulls, Chris RWK and Knor

Tracy Blackstock by Dreph admires stickers by RX Skulls and a Chris RWK/Knor collab

This visiting group of artists peppered Shoreditch and other parts of Europe with new street art embodying innovative, novel, collaborative, improvised fun wherever they went.  There were so many dimensions to the art and the activities they got up to and we thank them all for their contribution to the street art scene.


RX Skulls Instagram

“Art From Arrex. Stick It.”  RX Skulls 2014 stickers in Shoreditch

“Secrets Of The Sticker Shed – Sticker Making Workshop” (How to become RX Skulls)

Voxx Romana instagram

City Kitty instagram 

Toastoro instagram

Cody Keto Photography Website 

RX Skulls

RX Skulls stencil

RX Skulls visited Shoreditch with a group of street artists from Portland and New York and created original street art

RX Skulls stencils

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch – The Dog’s Pollocks

It being that day today, Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral, I decided to go out graff hunting and what a great decision that turned out to be.   “Helch Watch” has been running for several months following the addition of an incomplete piece of graff close to our hood in May.

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch, May 2022

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch, May 2022

My fave graff lookout, Lady Nolions, reported back a couple of weeks ago that Helch had returned to  transform and complete that piece and it was looking epic.  The fills range from fades to stripe via glitches and quilted patterns.  The symmetry in the composition is, as per for Helch, impeccable.

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch – Sep 2022

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch – Sep 2022

After suitably urban looking “context” shots, stepping in close for some close cropped shots revealed a stunning surprise.   Helch has gone full Jackson in a ground level oil spill trap and it’s more or less invisible until the moment you fall into it.  Helch does brilliant fills generally but this time a new level has been reached.

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch has low pollocks

Another new Helch was found in Shoreditch at the weekend and again the fill looked stunning.

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch Sep 2022

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helch – glitchy fill

Helch has kind of taken over one end of the road behind the old Truman Brewery, this time the combination of blues and whites in the fill suggest Helch seeks to give nature a run for its money in providing best cloud and sky colours.

Impressive colourful graffiti in London by Helch

Helta Skelta up to the clouds

Helch has created many more stunning text based artworks in Shoreditch over the past 12 months, consolidating a burgeoning reputation among fans of art as well as graffiti.

Helch instagram

All photos: Dave Stuart

Pasteup paper street art of simple blue and orange bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro


Novelondon street art: Street art from the artist Novelondon has appeared around Shoreditch within the past fortnight and there is nothing we love more than delicious new art from an unfamiliar artist.

Pasteup paper street art of simple orange and green bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Rolling Stones lyrics

Novelondon vs The Rolling Stones

Novelondon’s new street art combines characters and text with the unmistakable influence of Spain’s Miro.   The Rolling Stones and The Beatles lyrics feature.

Pasteup paper street art of simple orange and green bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Rolling Stones lyrics

Novelondon vs The Rolling Stones

Pasteup paper street art of simple blue bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Beatles lyrics

Novelondon vs The Beatles

Pasteup paper street art of simple red bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Rolling Stones lyrics

Novelondon vs The Rolling Stones

Pasteup paper street art of simple Green and blue bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Bob Dylan Lyrics

Novelondon vs Bob

There is great consideration given to placement, colour coordination with the background looks superb.

Pasteup paper street art of simple red, green and blue bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro

Novelondon in Shoreditch. August 2022

Pasteup paper street art of simple colourless bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro with Jimi Hendrix lyrics

Novelondon in Shoreditch. August 2022

A particular favourite seems to tip its hat to Rothko with its placement over graffiti removal colour washes.

Pasteup paper street art of simple blue and green bug like characters from Val Jones aka Novelondon influenced by Miro against a Rothko like background of grey and pink

NoveLondon in Shoreditch, August 2022


Novelondon instagram

all photos: Dave Stuart

A collage of paper art on Brick Lane features prints of fish, tribal characters and text by street artists Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi

Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi visit Brick Lane

A wonderful new batch of street art paste ups from a pair of overseas artists really gave a huge make-over to some of Shoreditch’s paste up halls of fame.

A collage of paper art on Brick Lane features prints of fish, tribal characters, and huge pink lobster and text by street artists Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi

We can see….Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi, July 2022

A collage of paper art on Brick Lane features prints of fish, tribal characters and text by street artists Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi

Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi, July 2022

Jean Peut-Etre is from France, quelle surprise, and collages letterpress and screenprinted paste ups on found vintage paper.

A screenprinted lobster in a vibrant colour among colour paper art and text pasted to a wall in Brick Lane by French street artist Jean Peut-Etre and art about Ukrain

Jean Peut-Etre, also featuring Subdude

a collage of a printed face mask and letterpress text pasted to a wall in Brick Lane by French street artist Jean Peut-Etre

Jean Peut-Etre

screen printed fish on a vintage French map pasted to a wall in Brick Lane by French street artist Jean Peut-Etre

Jean Peut-Etre

A screenprinted lobster in a vibrant colour among colour paper art and text pasted to a wall in Brick Lane by French street artist Jean Peut-Etre

Jean Peut-Etre

Boxitrixi is from Argentina and is currently a welcome resident in the UK with a glorious line in wood block printed naïve tribal characters.   Boxitrixi’s paste-ups were applied with an urgent roughness leaving ripples, wrinkles and textures in the paper.  The art acquired an instantly aged appearance entirely in keeping with the roughness of the printed images.

A wood block print of a tribal character by argentinian street artist Boxitrixi


A wood block print of a tribal character by argentinian street artist Boxitrixi


A wood block print of a tribal character by argentinian street artist Boxitrixi


A wood block print of a tribal character by argentinian street artist Boxitrixi


A wood block print of a tribal character by argentinian street artist Boxitrixi


Both street artists have decorated the Shoredtich area with street art on previous visits.  On this occasion, having met previously overseas they hooked on on the occasion of Jean Peut-Etre’s welcome return to Shoreditch.  The way the pair layer the walls leaves you admiring both the individual prints and also the collaged aggregate.

A collage of paper art on Brick Lane features prints of fish, tribal characters and text by street artists Jean Peut-Etre and Boxitrixi

Boxitrixi, Jean Peut-Etre also featuring Neon Savage

Featured image: Boxitrixi and Jean Peut-Etre, also features My Dog Sighs


Jean Peut-Etre Instagram 

Boxitrixi Instagram

all photos: Dave Stuart