An unprecedented event occurred on the Shoreditch Street Art Tour at the end of last week, we found a piece of free art which no one in the group wanted to take home with them. We will spare the blushes of the artist and not put up an image of the artwork.
Free Art is art left out on the streets by artists, usually street artists, which is intended to be found by a lucky person who is allowed to take the art home. This morning normality was restored when the tour came across a beautiful piece of free art left as a gift by the artist Sean Worrall.
With the number of people in the tour group there always a dilemma as to who should take home the piece of free art, so it was very sweet that the group agreed this morning that the youngest person on the tour should take home the free art, which is how the delightful and very excited Louisa became the proud owner of one of the finest works I have seen Sean drop on the streets.
Louisa said that she couldn’t wait to hang it on her bedroom door, so it will be her own personal original piece of art.

“Please Take” #ArtDrop
Sean has left many items of Free Street art on the streets, he famously ran a project last year called #365artdrops, a piece of free art for every day of the year and several guests on the Shoreditch Street Art Tour went home as delighted owners of a piece of Sean’s work. You can read more about those in the link below but the best story about the purpose of Sean’s project and how it touched on people’s lives is in this beautiful and moving story Sean published in January this year.
Sean’s blog post about this piece
Free Art on Shoreditch Street Art Tours
All photos: Dave Stuart