London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic

Reactivated Invaders Pt II

A little while ago we discovered that the legendary street artist and star in the Banksy film Exit Through The Gift Shop was putting back old classic Space Invaders in London, written about HERE.

London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic

#Protect Them! Ressurection Team UK

We found another one this afternoon.  After this morning’s tour I decided to cycle home via Spitalfield’s market and as I leaned into a corner I spied a Reactivation Team sticker on a lamppost.  “They’re usually close to Space Invaders” I thought so I pulled over, walked back and pretty soon found another reactivated Space Invader.

London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic

LDN_68 Reactivated!

The impressive thing about this one is its location, although the lip of the canopy it is located on is pretty deep, you have got to have both the ability to get up to that lip and also the willingness, or the “cojones”.

London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic

LDN_68 Reactivated!

Yesterday, immediately after a tour with a school group I discovered another long lost Invader classic.

London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic

LDN_97 2016

This is what it looked like when I photographed it in October 2007, though I can’t vouch for when it disappeared.

London, street art, Shoreditch, guided tour, graffiti, Space Invader, RessurectionTeamUK, Protect Them, mosaic, Nick Walker, Stencil

LDN_97 2007 (feat Nick Walker)

So, two “reactivated” Space Invaders in 2 days, I better go through my library of old Space Invader photographs and start visiting “Il disparus”.


UPDATE (Dec 2016) – despite the presence of a reactivation sticker, LDN_068 at Charterhouse St is actually the original, not a reactivation.  The Cargo Invader LDN_097 is a fruit of the Labour of the UK Reactivation Team.


All photos: Dave Stuart