Jace, Street artist, Shoreditch, London, Face, casts, castings, mouldings, characters, street art, London

Shoreditch: Full Of Characters

It’s not long since Jace last featured on the Shoreditch Street Art Tours blog but when a fresh crop of small faces has appeared this week we felt we had to share the news.  We suspect there may be 7 new ones and today we came cross 6.

Jace has recently visited India and some of the characters have an undeniably Indian appearance.

Jace, Street artist, Shoreditch, London, Face, casts, castings, mouldings, characters, street art, London


One appears barely inches above an existing pair next to the “Stik tribute” on Princelet St.

Other fresh faces on the block in Shoreditch that we found (so far) include this lumpen faced trio:

Jace, Street artist, Shoreditch, London, Face, casts, castings, mouldings, characters, street art, London

Jace, Street artist, Shoreditch, London, Face, casts, castings, mouldings, characters, street art, London

Jace, Street artist, Shoreditch, London, Face, casts, castings, mouldings, characters, street art, London

The little collage at the top was inspired by a comment made by virginie.f24 on instagram yesterday, the top two rows are the 6 characters found today, the bottom row shows previous installations.

Much as the new army of faces are wonderful my favourite by dint of its site specific placement remains the pair next to Stik, as featured previously on the blog.

Never it it be said that Shoreditch lacks characters.

Link: J.Ace instagram