Art shows involving street artists have a special place in Shoreditch Street Art Tour’s affections, particularly when the exhibition is artists we love in the kind of rugged unconventional gallery spaces we prefer. ODDO, DaddyStreetFox, MCLN and Savant just had an exhibition called “THe Start OF THE End” at Monty’s Bar on Brick Lane and it ticked all the boxes.
Sadly the exhibition has closed before we had the chance to finalise a write up of it but one theme that emerged that was the direct line between the art on the streets and the artists’ indoor art.
Indoors ODDO pretty much replicates the breadth of styles but really amps up the dark, warped and bizarre. Introducing the hairy babies! They look spooky on the streets, they are awesome in the rough sculptural creations in this show.

ODDO Hairy Baby – Shoreditch 2018

ODDO – Hairy Baby!
Framed works on paper serve to underline how faithful the street paste ups are to ODDO’s indoor art.

ODDO – Do I Know Your Name (Shoreditch 2018)
DaddyStreetFox’s contributions have a direct line from the layered collages in frames in the gallery to the photos of the collages as seen on the streets.

DaddyStreetFox – From The Wood (Collage)

DaddyStreetFox – From The Wood (paste up)
MCLN’s plague doctor has been a charming and occasionally emotionally charged character that has decorated Shoreditch walls for several years now but the artist appears to have embraced other characters this year.

MCLN – Shoreditch 2019

MCLN Expedition Kindred
Savant is one of Shoreditch’s more prolific street artists with a reputation for complex imagery populated by ghosts, themes of darkness and death in a surreal Dadaist style utilising collages of text and imagery. Intriguing and easy to like, Savant’s art translates well into the theme of the show and the company it is keeping.

Savant – Your Approval Is Not Required, paste up Shoreditch 2018

Savant – Entropy
This is an extract of a longer review of the “The Start Of The end” show, the full review including more photos and details of Monty’s Bar which is often recommended to gusts at the end of the tour are available on Graffoto
“The Start Of the End”
ODDO and special guests DaddyStreetFox, MCLN, Savant
Monty’s Bar
49 Brick Lane;
11th July – 25th July 2019
ODDO Instagram
DaddyStreetFox Instagram
MCLNL Instagram
Savant Instagram
Monty’s Bar facebook
All photos: Dave Stuart