Tucked away in a back street to the rear of the Old Truman Brewery is a doorway whose lurid artwork is in direct contrast to its anonymity. For several months now this door has been host canvas to some striking stencilled comic characters by the artist “Life Is Beautiful”. In November 2017, Catwoman and Batman were in love and there was absolutely no doubt about that, it was all there in black and white.

“Love Is Not A Crime” says Life Is Beautiful
The captions on the photo above and the next two photos are the good words of the artist Life Is Beautiful stolen – sorry, quoted – from his instagram upload. In December questions were asked as things ramped up with a switch to a romantic pink background.

“She didn’t need to question my love” – Life Is Beautiful
Catwoman had a One Knight Stand in January, leaving us in little doubt who was cracking the whip

One Knight Stand
The most recent manifestation of Life Is Beautiful’s project is a dark saint, though the saint or perhaps the sinner only comes into being when someone poses in front of the door, a black halo hovers over the subject’s and a pair of dark caped crusader wings emerge from the shoulders.

Be Good
Shoreditch Street Art Tour guests have had loads of fun over the past couple of week posing as the dark crusader in front of Life Is Beautiful’s art, with thanks to all these great sports who have allowed us to include photos of them here and in some cases have provided their photographs.
Life Is Beautiful Instagram
Photos: Dave Stuart plus contributions from Shoreditch Street Art Tours Guests Mia Ulvgraven Nielsen (Photo of Sidse) and Sophie Corlay (photo of Raphael)