Tag Archives: The Pilot

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots, maquette,

New Origami Street Art In Shoreditch By Airborne Mark

Street Artist, rapper and origami guru Airborne Mark returned to Brick Lane a couple of weeks ago to paint a new origami mask inspired mural, which was a pleasant surprise for the Shoreditch Street Art Tours group who stumbled across the artist at work.

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, origami, origami riots, maquette,

Work In Progress April 2018

Airborne Mark was using a folder paper origami model as the reference for the painting and we have often seen Airborne Mark using his own origami models.  Airborne Mark, who is always very pleasant and happy to have a little chat with the tour, told us that this wasn’t his piece of origami, it was sent to him from Sweden by master origami mask maker Flynn Jackson,.

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots, maquette,

Maquette – Flynn jackson

You can see what a stunning realistic painted interpretation of the actual model airborne Mark produced.

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots, maquette,

Airborne Mark vs Flynn Jackson

Airborne Mark has produced a really cool video of both receiving the model through the post and the work in progress painting at the wall.  Blink and you’ll miss it but there is even a subliminal glimpse at about 5.05 of our tour group admiring Airborne Mark at work.

Here is a little selection of other occasions we have seen Airborne Mark painting from his own origami masks as well as a few shots of other Airborne Mark masterpieces put up over the years.

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots,

Airborne Mark (crouching in shot), Massai, Dan Kitchener, Jimmy C 2012

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots, maquette,

Airborne Mark Origami Riots 2014

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots,

Van Painting – Meeting Of Styles 2015

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots, maquette,

Work In Progress March 2017

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots

Greek Mask work in progress 2017

A tiny smidge of background: Airborne Mark moved to the UK in 2005 and had a graffiti pedigree, he used to write the name Pilot before switching to the still aviation related street art moniker Airborne Mark, here are a couple of his older graffiti pieces in Hackney Wick and Leake street, both from early 2009.

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots

The Pilot, Leake Street 2009

Shoreditch, London, Airborne Mark, The Pilot, Street Art, Graffiti, origami, origami riots

The Pilot, Hackney Wick 2009


Airborne Mark: website

all photos: Dave Stuart

video courtesy Airborne Mark