Tag Archives: spraycan

London, Shoreditch, Street art,tour,tours,walk,walks,guide,guided, street artist, spraycan,paste ups, paper, Skeleton Cardboard

Street Artist Skeleton Cardboard Brings Day Of The Dead Early

A burst of activity by English street artist Skeleton Cardboard resulted in the discovery of a number of new nuggets by several Shoreditch Street Art Tours over the weekend.


We found the above painted doors yesterday morning on a route which we hadn’t explored since Saturday morning. A pair of skeletons exhort us to abandon various false media, perhaps we have to learn from their example, look where too much TV, too much responding to the junk mail, living on the never never got them!
Skeleton cardboard is not one of those globe trotting street art mega stars who gets high profile permissioned murals where ever he goes round the world, he has been doing small and generally witty pieces on Shoreditch walls and we can see a clear trajectory of improving street art over the past two years or so.


Just a couple of weeks ago Skeleton Cardboard had a solo show in Monty’s Bar on Brick Lane. The walls were peppered with dark, day-of-the-dead skeletal characters who mocked those stern proclamations prohibitions issued by various authority figures or found on product packaging which we are expected to read and heed. “Nothing of value stored in here” or “invalid if opened” takes on a darker meaning when juxtaposed with a grinning skull on a dancing skeleton.

London, Shoreditch, Street art,tour,tours,walk,walks,guide,guided, street artist, spraycan,paste ups, paper, Skeleton Cardboard

A couple of tour groups over the weekend also found new paste ups of skeletons painted on found vintage magazine paper. The magazine in question was a supplement to Amateur Gardening, a respectable gardening periodical it seems and the content was Percy Thrower’s picture guide, to what isn’t stated but we guess gardens. There is no date on the paper but Percy Thrower passed away in 1988, he bestrode the worlds of TV and horticulture like a garden centre goliath but those were days when a man mimicking various bird calls was prime time TV.

London, Shoreditch, Street art,tour,tours,walk,walks,guide,guided, street artist, spraycan,paste ups, paper, Skeleton Cardboard

Good street art pops off its background and Skeleton Cardboard has certainly found a couple of gorgeous locations for placing these paste ups.

We have previously found free art by Skeleton Cardboard on the streets, see here

Casino In London

A few weeks ago I made an exciting trip to Sheffield where I saw loads of great street art on the streets and in derelict buildings. Some was by artists whose work I knew well but it was great to come across so many artists that were completely new to me. One of those exciting discoveries (for me) was Casino.   On today’s Shoreditch Street Art Tour what did we find hidden away behind a rather colourful oft painted building – a fresh new piece in London by Casino! It’s a small world.

Shoreditch,London,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,casino,Sheffield

Casino In London

Here is one of the Casino pieces I found in a derelict building in Sheffield.

Shoreditch,London,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,casino,Sheffield

Casino on an abandoned derelict dry ski slope, Sheffield

Casino is also present in the company of EUG in the large exciting wall in Sheffield.

Shoreditch,London,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,casino,Sheffield

EUG/BOOMS and Casino in Sheffield

No doubt your appetite to see more about the street art, graffiti and murals in Sheffield has been whetted so I recommend checking out my post on Graffoto for a whole heap of photographs of Sheffield’s colourful walls.

all photos: NoLionsInEngland

Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Meeting Of Styles UK 2014

Meeting Of Styles is an international celebration of the art of the spraycan, graffiti and music. Since 2002 Meeting Of Styles spraycan art jams have taken place in 16 countries.

This coming weekend is the turn of Shoreditch to host the Meeting Of Styles UK 2014 event. With over 60 artists taking part and by our own crude estimate possibly 400m of walls being decorated, this is going to an exciting and colourful show by some of the World’s top exponents of spraycan graffiti art.

Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Pref ID, Inkfetish 40HK, Meeting Of Styles 2009

We went to our first Meeting Of Styles event in 2008 when it was held on the roof and walls of what is now Village Underground on Holywell lane and Great Eastern St. That was back in the day when you never saw street art or graffiti being created live in the daytime so it was incredibly exciting to mingle with artists and watch this incredible graffiti being created, all in the ambience of super cool party with great music and great drink.

Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Meeting Of Styles 2008

Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Meeting Of Styles 2008

Artists lined up for this year’s Meeting Of Styles UK include


Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Pref ID, Inkfetish 40HK, Meeting Of Styles 2009

The event is free and will take place over Saturday and Sunday 3rd and 4th July, party central will be Rockwell House, Hewitt St, EC2A 3NN. Details of the festivities are available on the facebook event page.  The Shoreditch Street Art Tour will almost certainly be swinging by some of the locations  to maybe catch some live painting

Shoreditch,street art,graffiti,tour,tours,walk,walk,spraycan,art,meeting of styles

Vibes, Towns RT

all photos: NoLionsInEngland

Photographer Will Edgecombe takes the Shoreditch Street Art Photography Workshop Challenge

Last weekend’s adventurous crew on the Shoreditch Street Art Photography Workshop Challenge included Will Edgecombe, an incredible photographer who brought along a proper tilt shift lens and a determination to try photographing street art for the first time.

Will has uploaded some fantastic pictures to the Street Art Photography Workshop group on flickr, check them out HERE

Shoreditch Street Art Photography Workshop Guided Walk Tour

MadC, photo by Will Edgecombe

Shoreditch Street Art Photography Workshop Guided Walk Tour

Art Is Trash, photo by Will Edgecombe

Street Art Gallery Thursday 29th – Cranio Night at Fun Factory

The party fun tonight certainly makes up in quality what it lacks in quantity.  The only event on the Shoreditch Street Art Tours calendar tonight is Cranio’s special one off one night only show at Fun Factory.

Cranio, beloved Brazil street artist has been hectically busy in London over the past few weeks with multiple new pieces up on Shoreditch Walls not to mention elsewhere.  He has also been working hard on fresh studio paintings and tonight will be the only time a cluster of large and very special hand finished prints will be seen all together by the public.

Shoreditch LOndon Steret Art Wall mural Cranio

Maybe HIN will be around to speculate on why the flipped finger, the bomb belt and the genitalia on the Cranio/HIN collab mural on Grimsby St weren’t buffed but his paste up heads were!  (we think we can guess the answer)

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Fun Factory 6pm till 9 ish, no RSVP required

French Stencil/Screenprint Artist Tian Decorates Streets Of Shoreditch London

Fresh art from the studio of French stencilist Tian has appeared on the streets of London.  Tian’s work first came to our attention as one of the stand out “turn up and spray” un-invited artists at Banksy’s Cans Festival in 2008.  We met when Tian came on his regular visits to London and in 2010 I wrote a profile of this artist which appeared in Issue 13 of Very Nearly Almost street art zine.

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Tian enjoys working with figures, notably boxers and actresses and is also a keen fan of Japanese Shungas which are clearly an influence on some of the erotically charged work he has put up in Shoreditch.  We photographed 19 separate new pieces of work this afternoon, Tian has clearly been very very busy!